Leah Marilla Thomas

Photo of Leah Marilla Thomas
Boston University, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill
Movies, TV, Theatre
  • Leah has an MFA in screenwriting.
  • She is a member of the Television Critics' Association.
  • She has directed plays and used to work as a stage electrician.


Leah has been covering television and culture for eight years in digital media. Her bylines can be found at Bustle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, NoFilmSchool, Polygon, and counting.


With her Master's Degree in film, Leah's undergraduate work in Communications Studies and Dramaturgy makes her an expert in story and medium. She also studied improv at the Upright Citizen's Brigade, which makes her an expert in comedy guest stars.
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Our team of editors and advisors constantly updates and reviews articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and informative. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Leah Marilla Thomas
  • The Ending Of Riverdale Season 4 Explained

    Riverdale has never met a cliffhanger it didn't love, and the Riverdale season 4 finale didn't disappoint in terms of twists and spooky reveals. Confused as to what happened, and why we didn't get all of the answers we were promised this season? We've got you covered.