Alec Baldwin Exits Solo Joker Movie

Looks like Alec Baldwin has canceled his reservations at Wayne Manor.

Following reports that Warner Bros. and DC had hired the actor to play Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne, in the upcoming Joaquin Phoenix-starring Joker solo movie, Baldwin took to Twitter to announce that he has exited the project. In doing so, he hinted that he may have never been attached to Joker in the first place. 

"Let me state, for the record, that I have NOT been hired to play a role in Todd Phillips' JOKER as some Donald Trump manque," Baldwin shared to the official Twitter account for the Hilaria & Alec Baldwin Foundation. "That is not happening. Not. Happening."

Speaking with USA Today on Wednesday, Baldwin expounded upon his statements, explaining that he is "no longer doing that movie" due to "scheduling" conflicts. He added that he's confident "there are 25 guys who can play that part."

So, was Baldwin ever really a part of Joker? Did Warner Bros. and DC jump the gun in announcing his involvement before the ink on his contract had dried? Was Baldwin turned off by the idea of portraying a version of Batman's old man that The Hollywood Reporter described as a "cheesy and tanned businessman who is more in the mold of a 1980s Donald Trump"?

It appears the answers to those questions are yes, no, and probably not. After all, major Hollywood studios are more likely to keep casting details under tight wraps than make hasty announcements prior to all the dust settling and the details getting ironed out. And it isn't like Baldwin is opposed to playing a caricature of the 45th and current President of the United States, as he's played Trump on Saturday Night Live so often and so well that he scored an Emmy Award win for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series in 2017 and an Emmy nomination in the same category in 2018.

This whole situation is pretty bizarre, and although Baldwin chalked up his 48-hours-later departure to scheduling troubles, it's not completely clear what actually transpired behind closed doors. At any rate, Baldwin is right: there are a ton of actors who are free as birds and eager as beavers to take on the role of Thomas Wayne — Trump-style fake tan and combed-over hairdo notwithstanding. 

Also starring Zazie Beetz, Robert De Niro, and Marc MaronJoker is scheduled for an October 4, 2019 release.