31% Of Doctor Who Fans Agree They Would Rather Travel With This Doctor

Since its debut in 1963, "Doctor Who" has seen thirteen different people play the show's titular star, with each bringing their own style and pizzazz to the legendary BBC part. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself which Doctor would actually be the best to travel with?

Think about it: You, the Doctor, a loaded-up Tardis, and anywhere in the known universe or space-time you can zoom off to. Sounds like quite the adventure. But who out of all the Whos would actually make for the best travel partner? There's William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Pete Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann from the earlier shows (1963-1996). Or perhaps Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Pete Capaldi, or Jodie Whittaker from the later iterations (2005-present). Fans literally have more than a dozen possibilities to choose from. And over on Reddit, they've managed to narrow it down to just one.

David Tennant's Tenth Doctor is a clear winner

To probably no one's surprise, it was David Tennant — the arguable Michael Jordan of Doctor Whos — who got crowned the best Doctor to travel with by Redditors. A poll taken last year of more than 300 people found that most believe Tennant's tenth Doctor would be the ultimate travel buddy, followed by eleventh Doctor Matt Smith.

"I'd probably trust my life in the hands of Ten," wrote u/Moho_braccatus.

Making his debut in the 2005 holiday special "The Christmas Invasion," Tennant went on to lead three consecutive seasons of "Doctor Who" before taking his final, full-season bow in 2008. The Scottish actor would pop up again as the Doctor in multiple BBC specials from 2008 to 2013 before eventually saying goodbye to the role for good. Tennant has been named the best Doctor Who in a number of different media polls, including one from The Radio Times that surveyed nearly 50,000 people in September 2020.

"David Tennant has and always will be the best [Doctor Who]," wrote one person on Twitter that year.