Tom Holland Gets Candid About Maguire And Garfield In Spider-Man 3

Tom Holland is keeping all of his Spider-Man 3 secrets under wraps... for a change.

The British-born actor, who took on the role of Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2016 in Captain America: Civil War, is currently promoting his latest film, Cherry, which marks a serious departure from Spider-Man — directed by MCU staples and Holland's frequent collaborators Joe and Anthony Russo. However, since filming on the top-secret Spider-Man 3 has already begun, Holland is remaining tight-lipped about any specifics, marking a change from his past, where he frequently spoiled huge MCU secrets.

In an Esquire feature about Cherry, Holland touches on Spider-Man 3... but denies the popular rumor that both former Peters, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, will appear in the film. "No, no, they will not be appearing in this film," Holland told interviewer Allie Jones. "Unless they have hidden the most massive piece of information from me, which I think is too big of a secret for them to keep from me. But as of yet, no. It'll be a continuation of the Spider-Man movies that we've been making."

However, Holland does admit that the Spider-Man 3 producers could be misleading him with a fake script or other tricks, as they did during Avengers: Endgame. "They do it all the time," the actor admitted. "In [Endgame], Robert Downey Jr.'s funeral scene, for the longest time I was under the impression that it was a wedding. I'm 100 percent sure that they're still tricking me."

Ultimately, the team behind Spider-Man 3 probably doesn't need to worry; as Holland joked to Jones, "I honestly have no idea what this film is about and I'm eight weeks into shooting it."

Cherry is a huge departure for Tom Holland

For audiences used to seeing Holland swinging from building to building as the perky, quippy Peter Parker, his new film, Cherry, might be a bit of a shock. The movie takes on the dark, dangerous opioid crisis that affects millions, casting Holland as a veteran with PTSD who turns to a life of crime to pay for his crippling heroin addiction. However, many of Holland's MCU colleagues, including and especially the Russos, are beyond confident that this role will be a huge turning point and milestone for Holland's burgeoning career beyond Marvel.

"We would do every movie for the rest of our lives with Tom Holland," Joe Russo, one half of Cherry's directing team and brother to Anthony, said. "He's the hardest-working actor we'd been around. He's so naturally talented. The charisma factor is so high that he's an incredible conduit for any story that you want to tell. He just has it all." Russo isn't wrong; according to the feature, the actor lost an astounding 28 pounds to play the lead role in Cherry, pushing his body to the extreme by running and adopting a keto diet.

Robert Downey Jr., Holland's friend and mentor who played Peter Parker's superhero guru Tony Stark in the MCU, hasn't even seen Cherry yet. However, he has the utmost confidence in Holland: "It will be that missing moment where you've been around the great performances, you've delivered the great performances within the context of being in a genre franchise, and now you have your moment to show that you can compete among the best of them in the realm of drama."

Meanwhile, Holland's Mary-Jane Watson, Zendaya — who, in her Emmy Award-winning show Euphoria, is no stranger to unsettling store— watched the film alongside Holland, admitting that she was ""super impressed," even though the film is "very hard to watch." Zendaya continued, "You're like, 'Dang, that's my friend and I'm seeing him every day as Peter Parker.' It's brutal. But he took on the challenge beautifully. Once people get to see this version of Tom Holland, what's next? Sky's the limit."

Cherry will hit theaters on February 26, 2021 and AppleTV+ on March 12, 2021.