Here's How To Watch Alex Trebek's Final Episode Of Jeopardy!

Jeopardy! fans are still reeling from the death of the game show's longtime host, Alex Trebek. The beloved master of questions and answers died November 8, 2020, a few months after Jeopardy! resumed taping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trebek had announced his diagnosis of stage IV pancreatic cancer in March 2019, so fans were keenly aware of the poor prognosis he shared in a taped video segment. 

As the official Jeopardy! Twitter account announced on November 23, 2020, record-holding champion Ken Jennings will serve as the show's first of a "series of interim guest hosts from the Jeopardy! family," with the show set to resume production in a week's time. In the time since Trebek's death, episodes of his 37th season hosting Jeopardy! have continued to air, leaving fans to wonder when his final episodes were scheduled to be broadcast. As TODAY reported, his final five episodes began airing Monday, January 4.

Here's how to watch the final episode of Jeopardy! that features Alex Trebek as host.

How to watch Alex Trebek's final episode of Jeopardy!

Alex Trebek's final five episodes of Jeopardy! were scheduled to begin airing Monday, January 4, with the very last to air on Friday, January 8. The time of day it's broadcast may vary, depending on location; the game show is aired in some markets air at 7 p.m. local time, while it can be seen in others at 7:30 p.m. Fans hoping to see Trebek's final episode live can check the official Jeopardy! website for the proper networks and air times in their local media markets. There's good news for cord cutters or viewers who otherwise do not have a cable service subscription: they can still watch the over-the-air broadcast of their local station, provided their televisions are equipped with an antenna that allows them to receive the signal. 

Select seasons of Jeopardy are currently available on both Hulu and Netflix, though it's unclear if or when Trebek's final episode will make its way to either streaming platform. Ken Jennings' episodes as interim guest host are scheduled to begin airing January 11, 2021. A potential Jeopardy! replacement host has not yet been announced.