Chucky's Most Gruesome Kills From Season 2 Ranked

Season 2 of "Chucky" is a wildly entertaining follow-up to the outrageous first season and gripping feature films. This bloody installment blends legacy characters with our valiant survivors from Season 1 to thwart Chucky's (voiced by Brad Dourif) diabolical master plan. After he splits his soul into multiple Good Guy dolls, Chucky unleashes his unholy vengeance on every single one of his enemies, both old and new. 

The newest batch of "Chucky" episodes on SyFy even features the long-awaited return of Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) and Chucky's genderfluid child, Glen-Glenda (voiced by Billy Boyd), who hasn't been seen since 2004's "Seed of Chucky." They're brought to life by newcomer Lachlan Watson in a showstopping role that celebrates the colorful camp of the original character. 

The killer doll racks up a long list of ruthless executions in Season 2 with an abundance of varying instruments, such as a near-silent chainsaw. He gleefully snuffs the life out of multiple victims and even corrupts a few souls, pushing them to commit their own heinous acts. This season in particular showcases the red-haired butcherer's penchant and talent for violence in a variety of gruesome kills you'll find below. 

12. Chucky gives Sister Elizabeth a deadly scare

"Chucky" creator Don Mancini's inspiring ability to seamlessly blend horror and comedy is a staple of the unique and enduring titular character. When Chucky meets Sister Elizabeth (Marcia Bennett) at the religious boarding school Incarnate Lord in Episode 2 ("The Sinners Are Much More Fun"), the two have a hilarious and deadly interaction. Chucky gives her quite a fright when he comes to life right before her very eyes.

The mere sight of Chucky's bulging pupils, startling movements, and chilling laughter causes Sister Elizabeth to topple over while clutching her chest. Much to Chucky's delight, he frightens her to death by giving her a heart attack. As she writhes and slips away, Chucky thanks her earnestly for the privilege and honor to easily kill her. In a season that consistently references the comedic turns in the "Bride of Chucky" and "Seed of Chucky" films, this particular killing celebrates the innovative horror creator's versatile talents.

11. Chucky strangles Father O'Malley

Episode 3 ("Hail, Mary!") underlines Season 2's relationship with the church system exceptionally well. One of Chucky's alter-egos takes great pleasure in working out his biceps and aggression when he strangles Father O'Malley (Ian D. Clark) in a confessional, of all places. While speaking with Nadine (Bella Higginbotham), Chucky gives Father O'Malley the chance to meet his maker.

This blasphemous strangulation also displays the hypocrisies of religion as the priest takes a hefty swig from his personal flask during confessional. O'Malley is clearly aggravated with Nadine who obliviously misses the cantankerous old man's attempts to send her away. Chucky seizes the opportunity to easily choke out the zealous elder though we don't know which Chucky it is at the time. We later learn, as he callously confesses to Sister Ruth (Lara Jean Chorostecki), that the enormous muscular Buff Chucky is responsible for this unholy slaying. 

10. Gary's shocking death

Chucky's first and youngest kill to date opens the blood-soaked second season in an explosive fashion. Nearly a year after their first meeting, Chucky finally catches up with Jake (Zackary Arthur) and his new foster brother Gary (Simon Webster). On Halloween night, the two dress up as the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin, complete with Gary's repetitive idioms. Before they head out, Jake receives an ominous phone call that kicks off Chucky's sinister plan. 

The newly orphaned Jake finds a connection with young Gary as they live together in a stiffly suburban home. Given all the carnage Jake witnessed in Season 1, his relationship with Gary is an early indicator of his emerging protective nature that he later projects onto "Good Chucky." Though Gary's incessant catchphrases begin to draw eye rolls from even his compassionate foster brother, his unexpected death is still a distressing start to Season 2.

Chucky shows exactly how vengeful he is when he holds Gary, Jake, and Jake's boyfriend Devon (Björgvin Arnarson) hostage with a homemade bomb. He intends to wipe them all out collectively until Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind) surprises him. In the chaos, Gary grabs the device and runs into the kitchen where Chucky follows. Given his young age, audiences assume Gary's safe, however, Chucky quickly proves no one is off limits as he detonates the bomb. The unforgettable self-sacrifice also emphasizes how dangerous and desperate Chucky is in Season 2.

9. Chucky pushes Nadine to her doom

One of Season 2's new characters meets an extremely untimely demise when Good Chucky unveils his true colors. Nadine is sweet, naive, and one of the first to trust Chucky's rehabilitated performance. Her quirky and mysterious nature makes it easy for her to accept the supernatural doll, which even led to a significant amount of fans theorizing that she is in fact Glenda (on Reddit).

Nadine's sudden end in Episode 6 ("He Is Risen Indeed") is upsetting and crushing, especially for Lexy who witnesses her roommate be pushed out of a window by Chucky. Her death is also reminiscent of Chucky's very first kill from the original 1988 "Child's Play" film, where he leads a babysitter to her death via defenestration (his favorite M.O., as he notes). The callback signals the murderer's evil rebirth as Good Chucky, making it exceedingly clear that he was faking his reformed status the entire time.

This detail drives even more of a wedge between Jake and Devon as Jake desperately wants to trust the supposedly rehabilitated doll. Nadine's whimsical and trusting nature also allows her to be fooled by Chucky which ultimately leads to her unfortunate fate. The ghastly quickness of Nadine's death reminds viewers how easy it is for Chucky to mercilessly kill while adding yet another tally to his lengthy list of murders. 

8. Colonel Chucky's cabin of horrors

Season 2 pushes the boundaries of horror in a variety of refreshing ways — from levels of meta self-awareness, character breaks in programming, and the depictions of grisly gore on-screen. The latter is highlighted when Lexy and Devon sneak into The Colonel's (the ridiculed bald Chucky from the premiere) monstrous cabin of horrors. In this instance, we learn The Colonel has kidnapped Andy (Alex Vincent) and has been sickeningly eating his flesh for the better part of a year, while secretly working with therapist Dr. Mixter (Rosemary Dunsmore).

In Episode 6 ("He Is Risen Indeed"), this stomach-turning scene sends shivers down the spine as we desperately hope the kids can get Andy out. Surrounding Andy and his mangled leg are the dismembered corpses of bloody Chucky dolls and the decapitated Tiffany from the season premiere's moving truck. This carnage, and the hard-to-watch cannibalism, is possibly the darkest and cruelest of Chucky's personal vendettas and distinguish The Colonel from other versions of Chucky, especially with his necklace of ears. 

7. Chucky grants Liv Morgan's bloody wish

Episode 4 ("Death on Denial") is an absolute blast that experiments with the formatting of "Chucky" in an invigorating and enthralling way. Chucky himself takes a break from killing in a very special episode that centers on his ex-wife Tiffany Valentine (in Jennifer Tilly's body), who is hosting a party in her Hollywood mansion with Glen and Glenda. This gathering also features Tilly's real-life sister Meg (as herself) and reunites Tilly with Gina Gershon and Joe Pantoliano. This reflexive element elevates the glitzy whodunit into an exhilarating mystery as several Chucky-centric mysteries begin to unfold.

In the last sequence, Chucky introduces a special guest with a very specific request — he brings out WWE superstar Liv Morgan to identify the suspects of the episode's murder and mayhem. Before it closes out, a clip is shown from an interview Morgan gave where she shares her interest in being killed by Chucky. As he pulls out a knife, Morgan begins to regret her wish, while Chucky stabs away and shouts curses to meet his allotted episodic curse count. The shower of blood splattering around the set prepares us for the gorier back half of Season 2 which features his most horrific slaughters yet. 

6. Buff Chucky annihilates Trevor

Lexy's bully Trevor (Jordan Kronis) is a solid example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trevor continues tormenting her at Incarnate Lord until he happens across Chucky's new buff physique. While intruding into her room, he finds Chucky's new form which flexes the awesome power of his muscles. It's one of the many surprising fight scenes in Season 2, starting when Chucky punches him hard in the face. A thick stream of blood flies out of his mouth as Trevor soars spectacularly through the air.

He begs for mercy as the brawny doll closes in on him and silences him for good. Buff Chucky reaches through Trevor's chest and shoves his heart out the other side. The camera movement is unsettling and spares no unflinching details. In this genius shot, the viewer is unable to see Chucky's athletic new build. This saves the satisfying revelation for later when he faces off with Good Chucky. 

Trevor's death also adds an extra layer of intrigue to Season 2 when the institution's authority figures come to investigate. His body mysteriously disappears, causing Lexy and Nadine to panic. Behind the scenes, Colonel Chucky and Dr. Mixter are pulling the strings to orchestrate his grand plan. As we see in Episode 6 ("He Is Risen Indeed"), Trevor's body is moved into the cabin along with several other unlucky souls. His brutal death highlights Buff Chucky as a formidable foe who meets his match in an unlikely adversary. 

5. Good Chucky fights Buff Chucky

Chucky's self-absorbed and obsessive nature often makes him his own worst enemy. This point is literally true when Buff Chucky threatens Jake, Devon, and Lexy in front of the newly brainwashed Good Chucky. He valiantly defends his friends by taking a severe beating from the transformed doll before unleashing his killer instinct in a fitting way. 

The second season of "Chucky" fully embraces its truest elements in an action-packed thrill ride brimming with LGBTQ+ representation, side-splitting meta-commentary, and extremely inventive kills. In Episode 5 ("Doll On Doll"), Buff Chucky and Good Chucky go head to head in a deadly fistfight that proves who the real good guy is. Good Chucky is seemingly outmatched and is tossed around like a rag doll. When he becomes enraged, he nails Buff Chucky to the wall with sharp precision. The crucifixion style is also a visual symbol of Don Mancini's Catholic upbringing which inspired Season 2 (per Slash Film).

In hindsight, this victory is a huge clue that Good Chucky is a far more authentic evil soul than the other outstanding variants. It's also an enormous testament to Brad Dourif's tremendous voice acting as the manipulative psychopath, and the exceedingly talented puppeteers who control Chucky's life-like expressions. These together sell Chucky's charade effortlessly and help deliver this unanticipated win.

4. Colonel Chucky ends Buff Chucky for good

Colonel Chucky and Buff Chucky's fight to the death in Episode 6 ("He Is Risen Indeed") pits these unconventional iterations against each other with a satisfying conclusion. After Buff Chucky resurrects himself (in less than three days, as he likes to point out), The Colonel vows to put him down for good. He follows Glenda's earlier lead (with the Butler in Episode 4) and employs a more subtle move with arsenic poisoning. 

While it may have been fun to watch Buff Chucky go another round with a different doll, this measure is far more appropriate for The Colonel's military strategy. Through Mancini's referencing and comedic style, we see more of this when The Colonel finally bites the big one. As the kids prepare to take on this sadistic version, he suddenly falls flat with scissors sticking out the back of his head. The Colonel then becomes consumed by silly fabricated memories – "Apocalypse Now" style. The final moment is fitting for the cunning slayer when the series reveals that he was killed by none other than Andy exacting his justified revenge.

3. Father Bryce explodes

Devon Sawa's return to "Chucky" was a fantastic surprise after his captivating dual role in Season 1. Unfortunately, both of Sawa's characters were killed by Chucky, leading viewers to believe he wouldn't be featured in the next season. Luckily, Don Mancini had other plans and brought Sawa back for even more unbelievable misadventures. 

His new role as the conservative Father Bryce is a far departure from both of his Season 1 characters. He's a devout and unforgiving man who refuses to compromise his beliefs for anything. However, when he sees Chucky's real form, he questions his faith and soon performs an exorcism on the otherworldly being. In a sequence overflowing with "The Exorcist" references (including the irresistible vomiting pea soup homage), Father Bryce meets a stunning end in Episode 7 ("Goin' to the Chapel"). 

Chucky's soul jumps into Father Bryce who tries to resist the giddy executioner. This causes Chucky to take matters into his own hands by showing Father Bryce the true power within ... literally. Father Bryce explodes and blood and guts are rained down on everyone who has previously been impacted by Chucky's demented wrath. 

2. Chucky slays Lexy's mother

In the season finale, Chucky finally slays the last parent — Lexy's mother Michelle (Barbara Alyn Woods) — who is violently bisected by a chainsaw. Episode 8 ("Chucky Actually") wraps up Season 2 with a festive bow as the unstoppable doll inevitably returns after evading death yet again. Our heroic trio of Jake, Devon, and Lexy are home for the holidays with Michelle, Lexy's sister Caroline (Carina Battrick), and her creepy Belle doll. 

Lexy and her mayoral mother have always had a complicated relationship which finally reaches a compromise during a moving dinner scene. The two admit they're more alike than different which is why they don't always get along. In the spirit of Christmas, mother and daughter make up just in time for Chucky to screw it all up.

Both Chucky and Tiffany find themselves playing Santa as they sneak into the pristinely decorated home. In an unfortunate twist, Michelle finds both Chucky and Tiffany which results in the goriest death yet as he cheerily buzzes through her body. Had Michelle not been so celebrity-obsessed, she might've noticed Chucky's spectacular jump. However, the sequence is astounding as he leaps from the stairs and agonizingly takes his time sawing through the mother on Christmas Eve. It's the perfect blend of Chucky's gleeful love for murder and Mancini's dark humor juxtaposing the coziness of the holidays. 

1. Chucky seemingly finally slays Tiffany

As he famously reminded everyone in "Bride of Chucky," "I'll be back! I always come back!!" Though dying is definitely not his favorite part, Chucky returns once again even after Lexy's rage-filled chainsaw slaughter. He foils Tiffany's scheme by taking the Belle doll for his own use and corrupts Caroline even further in the process.

In Season 1, Chucky sinks his devilish teeth into Caroline's innocent soul and begins filling her head with evil thoughts. In Season 2, Caroline receives a Belle toy akin to Tiffany's earliest doll form (adding to the wonderful plethora of "Bride of Chucky" references throughout) that Lexy sternly warns her not to trust. However, amidst the chaos of her mother's mayor duties and killer dolls at boarding school, Caroline is neglected and falls prey to Chucky's dark influence. 

In the season finale, Tiffany kidnaps Caroline using the Belle doll and flees to Time Square in New York City. In her new disguise, she attempts to put her soul into the doll only to find it's already occupied by a red-haired devil she's more than familiar with. We don't see it, but it's hard to imagine that after everything she did, Chucky would spare Tiffany especially if he could make an example out of her in front of Caroline instead. Mancini's genius in cutting before the kill leaves Jennifer Tilly's return to "Chucky" wide open should we be lucky enough to get a Season 3.