This Look At Emily Blunt As The Fantastic Four's Sue Storm Deserves Better Visibility

Since the announcements of all the upcoming projects in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a reboot of the Fantastic Four has been on Marvel fans' minds. Of course, in the early 2000s, we had two movies from 20th Century Studios: "Fantastic Four" and its sequel, "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer," featuring the cast of Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans, Jessica Alba, and Michael Chiklis in the titular roles.

Then, in 2015, the studio attempted to reboot the Fantastic Four with a younger cast who could fit into their larger cinematic universe where Chris Evans was now Captain America instead. This film featured Miles Teller as Reed Richards, Kate Mara as Susan Storm, Michael B. Jordan (the MCU's future Killmonger) as Johnny Storm, and Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm. Ultimately, this attempt failed altogether, and neither critics nor fans responded kindly (via Rotten Tomatoes).

Now, with all the Multiverse happenings in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," it could be likely that we see a version of the Fantastic Four sometime soon, not to mention that the trailer for "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" seems to feature the Illuminati, which Reed Richards is a member of.

As far as when we will truly see the Fantastic Four and which actors will play the famed characters remains to be confirmed. However, for some time, many fans have hoped that John Krasinski will play Reed Richards and his wife, Emily Blunt, will assume the mantle of Susan Storm. We've gotten a look at Krasinski as Mister Fantastic before, and now we can finally see Blunt as the Invisible Woman. Here's what we know.

Emily Blunt looks tough as Susan Storm from the Fantastic Four

Recently, a fan shared concept art by Awedope Arts on Pinterest for what Emily Blunt could possibly look like if she were to appear as Sue Storm in any upcoming MCU projects. What we got certainly deserves visibility — Blunt can be seen in the trademark blue uniform with the "4" on the chest, equipped with what is likely some form of protective padding. As fans know, the outfit has the ability to merge with the powers of the wearer, so as Blunt's Sue would use her invisibility powers, the suit would go along with it. Upon a closer glance, fans will be able to see that Blunt's Sue also appears to be activating her powers around her wrists and hands, seemingly teasing a little bit of the extent of what she would be able to do.

Although rumors have been circulating for some time about John Krasinski and Blunt's involvement in the Fantastic Four for the MCU, Krasinski claimed in 2021 that he still hadn't heard anything. Blunt has also noted that she wouldn't even want to play the role of Sue Storm if offered. Either way, it's still all very suspicious, and as we know, Marvel Studios can be very secretive. We'll keep you posted.