Deadpool 2 Set Video Might Reveal Another X-Force Member

Contains spoilers for Deadpool 2

If you live in Vancouver, you have a front row seat for the filming of Deadpool 2. If you don't, you can still get a look at what could be a new character, and you can do it without having to deal with all the traffic rerouting due to closed city streets.

Because much of the production is taking place out in the open, there have already been a few videos that showed part of an action sequence that involves Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) driving a Vespa on a sidewalk. Now a new clip shows more of the massive vehicle that Deadpool is presumably chasing.

Based on what we've seen so far, we can take an educated guess at what's happening in the scene. Deadpool and Cable (Josh Brolin) are likely in pursuit of the black Oshkosh military vehicle with "DMC" painted in large letters on the side. It tows four containers that ScreenRant believes carry captive mutants. At one point, Cable leaps onto the rear container, which causes the driver of the truck to begin recklessly plowing into anything in its way. It seems like Domino (Zazie Beetz) manages to take over the truck and steers it onto a highway before it crashes into a car dealership.

The new video shows the result of the sequence, with Deadpool casually sitting atop the wrecked truck. 

Another video gives a glimpse at what appears to be Domino (using her luck-based powers) to fall into an inflatable bear. 

In the first video, we also see one of the captive mutants, dressed in a yellow prison jumpsuit with a metal collar around his neck. ScreenRant speculates that it's an Inhibitor Collar, used in Marvel Comics to neutralize the super-powers of whoever wears it. While it's tough to see who the actor is, it sure looks like Julian Dennison (Hunt for the Wilderpeople), who was revealed to be part of the cast in June. Because Deadpool 2 will feature X-Force characters, Dennison might be playing Phat, who can stretch his fat deposits to make his body larger and fatter. 

Obviously, none of this is official and we're just working with what we've seen. But it all seems to check out so far. 

Either way, production is definitely back in full swing after the tragic death of stuntwoman Joi "SJ" Harris earlier this month. Reynolds released a statement that said the cast and crew were "heartbroken, shocked, and devastated" by the accident. However, a recent report indicates that the crash could possibly have been prevented.

Deadpool 2 is slated to arrive in theaters sometime next year. In the meantime, get a good look as Brolin as Cable.