Where Is Two And A Half Men's Angus T. Jones Now?

It's been more than two and a half years (more like six years) since sitcom juggernaut "Two and a Half Men" left CBS after 12 seasons of unfathomably high ratings. And while original stars Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer have both stayed somewhat in the spotlight (Cryer with his popular stint as Lex Luthor on "Supergirl" and other Arrowverse shows, and Sheen for, well, some extra-curricular shenanigans), viewers have not seen the titular half man — former child star Angus T. Jones — anywhere outside of the show's reruns.

Jones was just 10 years old when he was cast as Jake Harper, the adorable son of a divorced dad (Cryer) whose wild and crazy brother (Sheen) moves in with them. The young actor had previously appeared in the movies "The Rookie," "Bringing Down the House," and "George of the Jungle 2," as well as an episode of "ER." But nothing could have prepared him for the massive success of "Two and a Half Men," which would become TV's top-rated comedy, averaging a massive 15 million viewers (per Business Insider) during its long run, and leading to Jones becoming the highest paid kid on television, according to Entertainment Tonight, with a $300,000 per episode paycheck by the time he was 17.

Yet despite the fame and money, Jones left the show — and the spotlight — during the sitcom's 10th season after a religious awakening led him to level some highly-publicized criticism of "Two and a Half Men" and his role in it. Although he returned two years later for a brief but well-received cameo in the series finale in 2015, the star stayed true to his convictions and has not attempted an acting comeback. So where is Angus T. Jones now?

Angus T. Jones is living outside the limelight

Well, one place Jones hasn't been is on screen — unless you count the nonstop "Two and a Half Men" reruns on local TV and basic cable. In fact, his IMDb page lists only one appearance as an actor since the "Two and a Half Men" finale — in an episode of since disgraced comedian Louis CK's self-produced online sitcom "Horace and Pete" in 2016.

Instead, Jones headed for college, attending the University of Colorado at Boulder, starting as an environmental studies major before switching to Jewish studies, an interesting evolution given that he had previously identified as a Seventh Day Adventist. According to People, Jones took a break from college before graduating, leaving for a job as president of Tonite, a business founded by Justin Combs (son of Sean "Puffy" Combs") as a "disruptive live events company." Unfortunately, it appears the venture did not last beyond 2016, which is the last year it has any posts on social media, and Combs' LinkedIn page has him moving on from the company that year.

The most recent Jones sighting occurred very recently in Los Angeles, where paparazzi snapped the 27 year old walking barefoot down the street, sporting a huge beard and a big smile. Beyond that, there's been no reporting on what Jones is doing with his time — which means he seems to have succeeded in his goal of leaving show business behind and living a quiet life outside the spotlight now that he is fully grown and more than half a man.