Ryan Reynolds Weighs In On Josh Brolin As Cable

A comment from Deadpool was bound to surface.

Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds gave his two cents on Josh Brolin as Cable, the grizzled mutant who first appeared in the 1990 comic The New Mutants #86. Reynolds took to Twitter to share his thoughts in the form of a, well, we'll call it a colorful display.

The core of Reynolds' comments focused on what a lot of Marvel fans are likely thinking: How can Brolin play Cable if he already portrays Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy? Reynolds sent out a jokingly "outraged" tweet that cleverly alluded to Brolin's double roles in the MCU. "The f***, Fox! You can't play two characters in the same universe," he said.

Reynolds' fake-angry caption was accompanied by an equally silly promo image. Featured in the picture are a set of dominoes (a sly reference to Deadpoool 2's Domino, played by Zazie Beetz) along with Josh Brolin's face in the foam of a latte, and a napkin with the names of the Golden Girls characters stamped on it.

Though it's just a ruse, this reaction is quite different from what Cable's creator, Rob Liefeld, had to say. Upon hearing that Brolin had been cast, Liefeld expressed his enthusiasm.

"Josh Brolin brings both the gravitas as well as the physicality required to bring Cable to life on the big screen," Liefeld said. "He's an amazing actor, and I'm as excited as anyone to see him paired with Ryan Reynolds [and] Zazie Beetz in Deadpool 2. Cable, Domino and Deadpool, people. It's happening!"

Something tells us Liefeld speaks for a ton of Deadpool enthusiasts in saying that.

Brolin's appearance in two major Marvel properties simply means fans will have double the opportunity to see him in some epic future films. Though Brolin won't reprise his role as Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which opens May 5, he's the big bad in Avengers: Infinity War.

In any case, audiences will see him in a new light as Cable when Deadpool 2 debuts sometime in 2018. Until then, check out the dark side of Deadpool you never knew.