The Movie Like Snatch That Crime Comedy Fans Need To See

Back in 1998, British director Guy Ritchie impressed Hollywood with crime-comedy "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," which follows a card counter who convinces his friends to rob the amateur criminal gang living next door to him. The grimy, energetic thriller made Ritchie a new favorite among audiences, critics, and studio executives alike. Two years later, "Snatch" arrived in theaters to mixed reviews but has grown a cult following in the years since its release.

Yes, it followss a similar formula to "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," with its fast-paced editing and interwoven character stories which all collide in a violent crescendo. But with the likes of Brad Pitt aboard, "Snatch" feels like a different beast. Having just come off the critically divisive "Fight Club" in 1999 (which also grew its own dedicated following), Pitt's role as the gypsy bare-knuckle fighter Mickey O'Neil worked like a charm. His ferociously unpredictable energy keeps things moving in Guy Ritchie's sophomore outing, even if some audiences struggled with his motor-mouth Irish accent.

In the years since "Snatch," there's been a number of crime thrillers which have tried to imitate Guy Ritchie's style, which itself takes inspiration from Quentin Tarantino's early work in "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction." In recent years, the British director helmed another crime comedy which should impress "Snatch" fans.

The Gentlemen is the epitome of Ritchie's style

Last year, Guy Ritchie's "The Gentlemen" arrived in theaters. The film follows marijuana crime lord Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConnaughey) as he attempts to get out of the business. He's surrounded by an impressive array of stars like Hugh Grant, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, and Colin Farrell. Much like his previous films, Ritchie injects "The Gentlemen" with a frantic energy that bounces back-and-forth among its numerous characters, all vying for a piece of Mickey's billion-dollar green pie.

It's all narrated by Grant's dastardly private investigator Fletcher, who's recounting the entire tale to Mickey's right-hand man, Raymond Smith (Hunnam) in an attempt to blackmail the drug kingpin for $20 million. Refreshingly, the film takes actors who audiences are used to seeing in a particular role and turns them upside down. Grant, best known for playing a clean-cut gentlemen in romantic comedies, portrays a sleazeball who manipulates criminals and journalists just to get a big payday.

Farrell also makes a welcome appearance as a boxing coach known only as Coach and seems to have plenty of fun, keeping his students in check when they get involved. Of course, the film is not without its issues — there's a few racist jokes made by various criminals which shouldn't be overlooked. But it is an undeniably fun film filled with Ritchie's typical quippy dialogue and well-executed, fast-paced, action scenes. 

It's not so close to "Snatch" that it feels like a sequel, but "The Gentlemen" is a perfect modern follow-up.