Andrew Garfield Finally Breaks His Silence On Spider-Man: No Way Home Rumors

For months, the internet has been in a frenzy over the rumors and reports that both Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire will (or won't?) reprise their roles as their respective Spider-Men, when Tom Holland's "Spider-Man: No Way Home" arrives in theaters later this year. These theories have been going on for a long time, and while Collider claimed back in December 2020 that Garfield and Maguire were definitely going to show up in the webslinger's third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios has remained mum. 

One factor that has been confirmed, it seems, is the return of Spider-Man 2's Doctor Octopus. Alfred Molina has even opened up about reprising his role as Otto Octavius, explaining he's the same version from Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man 2." Because we already know Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange is set to appear in the film as something of a mentor to Tom Holland's wallcrawler, it seems likely that the Sorcerer Supreme will be the answer to how Spider-Men from alternate universes could appear in the sequel.

But while the internet has generally assumed that Maguire and Garfield are returning to their respective costumes once more, neither of them have opened up about the rumors whatsoever... until now. Andrew Garfield has finally weighed in on his apparent return to his edgy, hipster version of Peter Parker from Sony's "The Amazing Spider-Man" films, and his response is definitely an interesting one.

Garfield says that Marvel hasn't called him

During an appearance on Josh Horowitz's "Happy Sad Confused" podcast former Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield went on record to deny the fact that he is in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." The host cautiously approached the subject, explaining that he didn't want to potentially ruin anything, before Garfield jumped to explain that although Marvel could be planning something, he hasn't been called upon to return.

"There isn't anything to ruin bro! I have to just quickly cut you off. There's nothing to ruin. Like it's so crazy too. Dude, it's f****** hilarious to me because it's like... I do have this Twitter account and I see like how often Spider-Man is trending and it's people freaking out about a thing and I'm just like... guys, guys guys guys like... I wish I could just be able to speak to everyone and say like, I recommend that you chill. Like listen, I can't speak for anything else but for myself. They might be doing something, but I ain't got a call."

It's an exuberant denial to say the least, but at least Garfield has come out and actually addressed the issue. It's worth noting that Tom Holland also strenuously denied Maguire and Garfield's involvement, but obviously the star wouldn't want to ruin his own movie. And when later pressed on whether or not he's even been contacted by Marvel Studios about "No Way Home," Garfield joked he doesn't want to rule anything out.

"Listen, I would've gotten a call by now, that's what I'm saying. Like I don't want to rule anything out. Maybe they want to call me. Maybe they're going to call me and say like 'hey, people want this.' Maybe they're doing market research." 

So who knows what'll happen? Certainly not Andrew Garfield... or so he says.