Dave Bautista Makes A Bold Remark About Zack Snyder's Army Of The Dead

"Army of the Dead," which hits Netflix on May 21, is director Zack Snyder's return to the zombie action-horror genre of his debut film, 2004's "Dawn of the Dead." Dave Bautista stars as Scott Ward, a military veteran-turned-mercenary who assembles a team to rob a Las Vegas casino during a zombie outbreak. For now, the zombies are contained within Sin City, but they're fast and they're smarter than the average undead creature. It seems as though the thieves are going to have a hard time fighting their way off the Strip.

As a former pro wrestler, Bautista definitely knows how to cut a promo and get the crowd hyped. In a recent convention appearance, he mentioned something about "Army of the Dead" that could get fans even more fired up to see it. If you were on the fence about streaming Bautista's latest flick when it hits Netflix next month, his bold statement may just be the nudge you need. It states plainly what Bautista thinks is a really strong moment in the film, and even hints at another surprise that could be in store for those who watch it.

Dave Bautista is 'obsessed with the ending'

"Dawn of the Dead" is known for its memorable beginning. From what Bautista is saying, it sounds like "Army of the Dead" will be known for its ending.

"I'm obsessed with the ending of this film," Bautista said during an appearance at the Zack Snyder fan event Justice Con (via GamesRadar). "I think it has one of the strongest endings of a film I've ever seen. It's just so well done. It's really good, just good old-fashioned storytelling. And it just leaves you wanting more."

Bautista then offered up a tease for fans, adding, "I can't even talk about the actor who's at the end of the film, but his performance is so strong, it's just so interesting."

Who might this special guest be? One possibility could be Matt Damon. Damon is known for his surprise cameos and his casino heist movies, so maybe seeing him in "Army of the Dead" wouldn't be a stretch. It could also be someone who's closely associated with Las Vegas — perhaps Rick Harrison from "Pawn Stars." Whoever it is, their cameo could potentially be a funny one. Bautista said this film "has tons of comedic moments."

If you were already excited for "Army of the Dead," it's possible Bautista's comments at Justice Con may have put that excitement over the top. Now all that's left to do is watch the film, which comes to Netflix on May 21.