Fans Petition Quentin Tarantino To Direct Deadpool 2

There's a pretty big job opening on Deadpool 2 and fans want Quentin Tarantino to fill it.

Tim Miller, who directed the original flick, walked away from the sequel over creative differences with Ryan Reynolds, and a new petition (via Screen Geek) is calling for Tarantino to take his place. The theory is that his work with the action sequences in Kill Bill and penchant for snappy dialogue would make him a perfect fit.

"If there was ever a chance to see Tarantino do a project almost guaranteed to make a billion dollars, this is it," reads the petition. "We got a great taste of what this could be like in Kill Bill, but imagine having a guy like Tarantino write dialogue for the Merc with the Mouth! It would be so glorious."

While it's a good idea, it seems unlikely that Tarantino would be swayed by the petition. He recently said that he plans to retire after directing 10 films, which means he only has two more left in him. He also revealed that he's already developing a new project that revolves around American cinema of the '70s.

And a few years ago, Tarantino said he had been asked to helm Green Lantern (which also starred Reynolds), but he declined in part because he prefers to write his own material. He did recently say that he thought about making a Luke Cage movie in the '90s, but that was in the days before Pulp Fiction.

Reynolds, however, might be on board with the idea. Back before production started on the first Deadpool movie, Reynolds said that Tarantino would be his dream choice for director. But even he realized it would probably be a longshot. "You think directors for a movie like this and you immediately picture Tarantino or somebody like that," Reynolds said. "Obviously Tarantino is a guy that likes to direct his own material, so there's a good chance he wouldn't be the guy. We all have our lists of dream directors."

Of course, Reynolds also has a tremendous amount of control over the Deadpool franchise, and that's reportedly the reason Miller left the sequel. The director wanted Kyle Chandler to play Cable, but Reynolds (who has final say on casting decisions) didn't, and the studio sided with its marketable star. That doesn't bode well for an auteur like Tarantino, who would likely have his own distinct vision.

Our guess is that Tarantino will be flattered by the petition, but politely decline. Still, if you want to see it happen, sign it here. While we wait to see how it all shakes out, check out the biggest easter eggs in Tarantino's movies.