Things Fans Want To See In The Final Season Of The 100

The 100 premiered back in 2014 with a killer sci-fi premise: Almost 100 years after a nuclear holocaust destroyed the Earth, humans who have survived on a space station decide to send 100 juvenile delinquents back down, to see if the planet is habitable. Since then, our beloved 100 have met the Grounders (tribes of humans who survived the apocalypse), had their radioactive blood harvested by the Mountain Men inside the Mount Weather bunker, had their minds taken over by A.L.I.E., the artificial intelligence program that destroyed Earth, survived another nuclear apocalypse by living inside a bunker for six years, fought a ship full of previously-frozen prisoners for the last remaining green space on Earth, and traveled 125 light-years to another planet — only to be caught by a cult that uses other people's bodies to reincarnate a select few. Talk about a wild ride.

The seventh season of The 100, which premieres on The CW on March 20, will be its last, and speculation as to its content runs rampant. Here's what the fans really want to see happen in the final season of The 100.

The truth about the anomaly and who "he" is

Throughout the sixth season, a mysterious green temporal anomaly threatened the 100 and the other inhabitants of Planet Alpha. Gabriel, the leader of the resistance against the Primes of Sanctum, said that he had been studying the anomaly for at least 150 years, but hadn't been able to figure out what it is or what it does. When Diyoza and Octavia entered the anomaly late in the season, Octavia emerged with a mysterious tattoo that Gabriel thought could help explain the thing. Diyoza didn't come out, but her daughter Hope, in-utero upon Diyoza's departure and now in her 20s, did, telling Octavia that "he" had her mother.

The 100 has never been a show about magic — there's always been some kind of scientific explanation behind everything that happens. So fans can rest assured knowing they're not suddenly wading into fantasy territory. Executive producer Jason Rothenberg told Entertainment Weekly, "It's definitely grounded in science. We're going to be seeing the anomaly for real. We're going to go there often and early, we're going to go through it and come back from it, and we're going to explain all the time inconsistencies or the fact that time is behaving badly." So fans are going to get some answers. Whether or not they make sense, however, remains to be seen.

For Octavia to come back from the dead and achieve her redemption

When Hope emerged from the anomaly and told Octavia that her mother was being kept prisoner by a mysterious "he," Octavia basically gave her the go-ahead to do what she needed to do. At that point, Hope stabbed her and Octavia disintegrated into a green mist, leaving Bellamy to mourn his lost sister. Since her years as "Bloodreina," a violent queen who ruled over times of cannibalism, isolation, and battles to the death, Octavia has been on a path of redemption. Individual viewers can decide for themselves if she simply did what needed to be done for everyone to survive inside the bunker, or if she turned into a crazy tyrant who tortured her people.

Either way, Octavia's not finished. Misting into the air with no explanation isn't the way this character needs to go out. She needs to reunite and reconnect with her brother. She needs to redeem herself for real. She needs to come back together with the people she started beside and regain her friendships. She needs to see Indra again, and love that woman as a mother. Octavia doesn't even have to die in the end to redeem herself — but disappearing the way she did, isolated and struggling, isn't what fans want for her character. Octavia still has a journey to finish. Plus, we need some kind of explanation about that crazy back tattoo.

For the show to return to its sci-fi roots

Bringing back Octavia might seem a little mystical. After all, she did pretty much just disintegrate. But fans of The 100 started watching in large part for its sci-fi worldbuilding. For so many, those real-world roots are what make the show's more fantastical elements, such as how the Commanders live inside one another, or the visions of A.L.I.E., work. They might be far-fatched, but they're rooted in science, and that is the core of the show.

Executive Producer Rothenberg's assertion that the anomaly will be explained by science gives fans hope for the show to keep on that sci-fi track. As he elaborated, "Any sufficiently advanced technology appears to be magic, as Arthur C. Clarke says. That's what we're going to delve into in season seven." That's a promising line to be taking indeed — now let's hope the show sticks to it.

Where Sheidheda, a.k.a. the Dark Commander, was uploaded

Madi fought Sheidheda throughout much of season six. The former Commander who turned evil, killed his Flamekeepers, and murdered many of his people, remained one of the identities living inside The Flame. Most former Commanders managed to keep him controlled, but Madi, being so young and untrained, was vulnerable to his strength, and there were times throughout the season when he was controlling her.

When Raven pulled the kill switch during the Season 6 finale, the Flame was destroyed for good. Gone were Becca, the original Commander, and Lexa, Clarke's love. Or so they thought. Sheidheda seems to have uploaded himself somewhere and remains alive somehow. But where is he? Are the other commanders "alive" with him? Lots of fans want to see a mind-space round table featuring Lexa, Becca, and the other Commanders figuring out how to defeat Sheidheda for good. But that involves figuring out where they all went, and what kind of power Sheidheda has ... from wherever he is.

For the turf wars to stop

Ever since The 100 began, it's been an "us vs. them" sort of story. First, it was the 100 vs. the Grounders. Then the Mountain Men and the Grounder clans were battling each other. Octavia united the clans in Wonkru, but then, of course, the Eligius prisoners arrived, then the Primes, and so on and so forth. Of course, there's always going to be a bad guy. Stories like this need an antagonist. And sure, the battles have been about land or power, which are very real things that groups of people would be fighting over in such trying times. But gosh, they have gotten so tiring.

If audiences have to watch yet another season of our favorite characters fighting for a place to live or over who's in charge, many of them might lose their minds. Turf wars can be entertaining in a limited capacity — the battles between the Grounder clans was interesting, for example. But the Eligius crew battle for the Shallow Valley led to a boring season, because it's a storyline we had already seen at least three times. We don't need another turf war. Please choose another conflict.

No new character introductions

The 100 would really be doing something groundbreaking if it didn't introduce any new characters in its final season. We know we're going to get some kind of explanation as to who Hope is and how she became an adult so quickly. We're certainly going to have to figure out who "he" is, who will probably be season seven's big bad guy. but if The 100 is smart, that will be it.

Fans really want the final season to focus on our favorite main characters: Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Murphy, and the rest of the original bunch. There's a lot for these characters to figure out, and not just when it comes to the anomaly, but in reuniting with each other. They all have conflicts to resolve and issues to work through. The anomaly itself is, frankly, all the exterior conflict they can handle. New characters would just add to the mess, and take away much needed time from the ones we love.

Find out what's going on with the other Eligius IV prisoners

The Eligius IV mining ship departed from Earth way back in the 21st Century. The ship was filled with murderers, thieves, rapists, and other criminals, working as indentured servants to the Eligius corporation. In 2047, Charmaine Diyoza staged a mutiny that killed the captain and crew but also destroyed one of the engines. With only one engine, their return to Earth took decades, and the prisoners remained in a cryo-sleep stasis until they finally arrived in season five.

But even after the events in Sanctum, hundreds of criminals still remain in cryo-sleep on the Eligius IV. What's going to happen to them? Who are they? Actress Alaina Huffman is joining the season seven cast as Nikki, "One of the newly-awakened Eligius IV convicts ...  a bank robber and spree-killer who is both unpredictable and fierce. She will take on an unexpected leadership role, advocating for her people in the complicated new world of Sanctum," Deadline reported back in September. With this Nikki character, we're probably going to have a new antagonist.

Find out what happened to Diyoza

Charmaine Diyoza may have been a terrorist before the Earth endured its first apocalyptic event, but that doesn't mean she wasn't also on a path to redemption, or that viewers disliked her enough to not want her to return. In fact, Diyoza's chemistry with Octavia as a kind of mentor figure is exactly why fans started liking her during season six.

Diyoza also brought some much-needed maturity to the series. Sure, at this point, Clarke, Raven, Bellamy, and the rest of the original 100 are well into their 20s, but after the deaths of Abbey and Kane last season, plus losing characters like Jaha and TK earlier, it really feels like "the kids" are running things. Sure, Indra is extremely cool, but Diyoza brought some much needed over-40 wisdom to Planet Alpha. Hopefully (heh heh) Hope and Octavia will save her together from whatever this anomaly and "he" are.

For Clarke and Raven (and everyone) to be friends again

The group of 100 delinquents didn't all start out as BFFs, that's for sure. Clarke and Raven specifically started out in a love triangle with Finn (which was totally his fault, btw) so their footing was never the best to begin with. But the incredible hardships they were all put through during the first couple of seasons really brought them together and solidified their loyalty to one another.

That kind of started to unravel around season three, when the 100 were split up into those that joined with A.L.I.E. and those who refused. Season four put a further divide between those who ended up in the bunker and those who returned to space. In season five, Clarke betrayed Raven in order to save Madi, and Clarke blamed Raven for getting Abbey addicted to painkillers, so the two haven't exactly been on the best ground. Fans want to see these two working together and admiring each other again. And that wish doesn't just apply to Clarke and Raven. The time to put aside petty differences and personality clashes is now. Bring the 100 together again.

For Clarke and Bellamy to get together

For many fans, "Bellarke" is the ultimate ship. And for good reason: The relationship brewing between Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin has been in the works for seven seasons. Just last season, when Bellamy thought that Clarke was dead, the news hit him tremendously hard. Of course Clarke was still there, just blocked behind Josephine's mind drive, but many of the characters thought she was gone for good. Bellamy's despair was heartbreaking and most definitely noticed by his current lady love, Echo.

It's not that fans don't like Echo, it's just that they don't completely trust her. Her status as a Grounder leaves her a little bit sneaky and skeptical of the sky people, despite the fact that she spent six years in space. Clarke has had some fun flingy relationships on the series, with one particularly serious one with former Commander Lexa. But it feels like Bellarke is something the series has been working towards for seven years. What happens to Echo, whether it's tragic or realistic, is just a stepping stone for some fans to see their ultimate two finally come together. 

For Clarke to die

Clarke Griffin has spent the entire series sacrificing herself, so it's frankly a wonder she's still alive. From her first steps as a leader in season one, she's saved her people from the Mountain Men in season two, remained on Earth to help launch the rocket in season four, and become an adoptive mother in season five. Clarke has been through a lot to save people she loves.

So naturally, fans are expecting Clarke to end up making an ultimate sacrifice. Clarke seems likely to have to pull some sort of lever that defeats their enemies once and for all at the cost of her life, for example. She's already lost her mother and many of her people, but Clarke is still fighting for Madi, her daughter. If it comes down to it, Clarke would definitely sacrifice herself for Madi, and might just save humanity (again) while she's at it.

For everyone to find a home and peace

A happy ending? Can we really hope for such a thing on The 100? Executive Producer Rothenberg kind of scoffs at the idea, but admits that it's a possibility. "A happy ending? I'd say that's probably, well... it'll be our version of a happy ending, how about that?" he said in an EW interview. Surely we'll lose some of our beloved characters, and maybe their final home won't be a totally survivable environment; Planet Alpha isn't exactly hospitable. But maybe the gang can head off to one of the other planets in the system. Maybe they can start fresh, without nuclear meltdowns, cryo-prisoners, mad scientists, or reincarnated cults vying for their bodies. Maybe they can remake a world with the people they have left and live in peace — even if only for a few years. Who knows what kind of home the 100 might find when the final credits roll. But hey, we can all hope