The Spider-Man Actor Who Had To Be Escorted Out Of Comic-Con

Leave it to the actors of the MCU to embody the roles they play.

Tony Revolori, who portrays troublemaker and prolific social media maven Flash Thompson in the Spider-Man film series, was recently escorted from a rooftop bar during the festivities at San Diego Comic-Con for a very Flash-like reason. (via Page Six)

Apparently, Revolori just couldn't seem to get that perfect pic he was looking for while attending Entertainment Weekly's closing night bash at the Hard Rock Hotel. No problem — the aspiring shutterbug simply climbed a nearby tree, perched atop it, and started snapping away at the crowd, which included the likes of Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane, Archer's Aisha Tyler, and Thor: Ragnarok star Tessa Thompson.

the impromptu tree-scaling didn't sit very well with hotel security, who shouted st the star to de-perch himself before summarily escorting him from the hotel. According to Page Six's sources, Revolori was profusely apologetic, and made no attempt to plead his case, resigning himself to missing the rest of the party. 

Now, this certainly sounds like something Revolori's character would do, minus the whole "profusely apologetic" part. After all, in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Flash is seen to be supremely concerned with providing a steady stream of material for his social media followers, even if — okay, especially if — said material contains footage of famous individuals which they might not necessarily want plastered all over the internet. But for Revolori himself, the incident could be seen as being just a touch out of sync with what we'd expect from him.

While Marvel Studios generally responds with a parental sort of "tsk tsk" when it comes to public faux pas by their employees (usually involving the wanton spoiling of upcoming movies, and usually involving Revolori's co-star Tom Holland), one would think that the actor would go out of his way to avoid doing anything which might draw the ire of his bosses. After all, appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a lifelong dream for him; reflecting on his journey for Fandom shortly before the release of Far From Home, Revolori revealed that as a kid, he was very nearly cast in inaugural MCU effort Iron Man in the part of "Refugee Child" — the small boy saved from terrorists by ol' Shellhead in the flick's middle act.

He would have to wait for several years to finally get his shot, and when he finally did — landing the role of Flash in Spider-Man: Homecoming — he was dismayed to find that there was a sizable contingent of fans voicing their opposition to his casting online, due to the fact that he is not white (as his character is typically portrayed in the comics). This would be enough to take the wind out of any actor's sails, but — continuing his story for Fandom — Revolori related that a previous trip to Comic-Con, he received a vote of confidence from the definitive authority on Marvel lore.

This would be Stan Lee, who was manning a booth on the Comic-Con floor when a friend decided to introduce him. Revolori explained that Stan the Man sized him up, initially giving him a poker face — before finally cracking a smile and saying, "Flash, huh? Bet you're mad I didn't give you super-speed."

With the ice decisively broken, Lee acknowledged his awareness of the backlash before offering characteristically awesome words of encouragement. "They'll be mad, and they'll be terrible," the comics legend told the actor. "But just remember, you're Flash now. No one can take that away from you. Plus, I think you'll do great."

Revolori went on to wax philosophical on the fact that his role in the MCU, minor as it might be, is still one more significant step forward for diversity and representation on the big screen. "Going forward, my little brother will never have to imagine that someone like him could be on the screen or justify why they could be up there," he wrote. "He won't have to walk into an audition and explain how the brown guy could fit into the movie. I'm glad that for the next generation watching these films they won't ever have to stretch their imaginations or be ready with those types of scenarios to appear in these worlds."

All things considered, then, it's a little shocking that Revolori would publicly make waves just for the sake of a few photos. But at least he handled his ejection with grace and humility, and it's not like he, say, spoiled key plot points of a highly-anticipated upcoming movie, to put forth an example that just sprang inexplicably to our minds.

At any rate, Revolori's position in the MCU is probably safe. He can currently be seen harassing Peter Parker while exalting his web-slinging alter-ego in Spider-Man: Far From Home, which currently has its sights set on becoming the first solo Spidey flick to break a billion dollars at the worldwide box office.