Wheel Of Time S2 Should Take A Hint From Shadow And Bone S2 (Viewers Love A Map)

It might seem like overkill to include things like appendages, glossaries, and maps in your books, but they've become something of a staple in the fantasy genre. This is probably because J.R.R. Tolkien set much of the pattern for the genre with his incredible works, "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" series, all of which contained detailed maps of Middle-Earth.

Since then, this has become commonplace, with authors regularly drawing out or commissioning maps to give viewers more context for their worlds. However, when it comes to adapting Robert Jordan's expansive "The Wheel of Time" series, the Prime Video version of the story has neglected to show its characters' journey in that way, and this is a mistake that could easily be rectified.

After all, most editions of the books in the series have come with a map since Ellisa Mitchell created her mock-up of The Westlands back in 1994. Furthermore, countless maps have already been created by fans online, and they have more than enough consistency between them to offer a clear indication of what the world of "The Wheel of Time" looks like. Heck, if Netflix's "Shadow and Bone" adaptation can do it, surely Prime Video can.

Maps help to show the scale of the world and the journey

Starting in Season 2, "Shadow and Bone" has begun introducing a map that shows where the characters are during scene transitions, and fans have been loving it. Being that the YA series only began in 2012, while Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" has been around since 1990, the background lore and extra material for Jordan's series is more than two decades ahead of its counterpart.

This means that Prime Video has that much more to draw from for the many maps and locations of "The Wheel of Time." Furthermore, if you consider how vast and expansive the world that Jordan created is, especially as the series goes on and characters split on their own paths, it's easy to see how adding a map would help to ground viewers in this world.

Finally, if "Shadow and Bone" can make this type of change in Season 2, there's no reason why "The Wheel of Time" doing the same in its own sophomore effort would suddenly ruffle viewers' feathers. On the contrary, they would almost certainly love the new addition just as much as viewers do on "Shadow and Bone."