Small Details You Missed In The Full-Length Andor Trailer

The first episodes of "Andor" Season 1 will drop on September 21, and when that day comes, fans might just get to witness the biggest and most ambitious Disney+ "Star Wars" show yet. With a planned arc of two 12-episode seasons that span over the five years before "Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope," the series focuses on Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), an essential figure in the nascent Rebel Alliance. 

The teaser trailer for "Andor" delighted fans with its focus on some of the previously unvisited aspects of this tumultuous period. Now, an official trailer for the show has dropped (via YouTube), and it offers "Star Wars" aficionados further hints about the sheer scale of the adventures that lie ahead. The trailer is so full of interesting characters, awesome visuals, and teases of potentially pivotal moments that its scale and intensity can just wash over the viewer. Fortunately, you can sit back and enjoy it all because we've taken care of the secret-finding and Easter egg-hunting for you. Let's take a look at the small details you missed in the full-length "Andor" trailer.

Saw Gerrera returns

Given that "Andor" is set before the events of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," there was always a high chance we would spot some familiar faces in the upcoming "Star Wars" show who would up dead elsewhere. Heck, one of them literally has his name as the show's title. But besides the show casting a spotlight on Cassian Andor's road to rebellion — a critical figure in the fight against the Empire is Saw Gerrera — who once again returns to live-action thanks to Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker.

The guardian of Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), who relayed the Death Star's weakness, is shown here in talks with Luther (Skarsgård), potentially on Jedha long before it was destroyed in the prologue to "Star Wars: A New Hope." Displaying his more direct approach to handling the Empire ("let's call it 'war'") with a new ally, the question worth asking is how much he'll be in the new series. In "Rogue One," Gerrera captures Cassian while with Jyn, right before Jeda is destroyed. However, when the two briefly meet, Gerrera refrains from attacking the rebel, who rushes Jyn away to safety.

Factoring this in, could this prequel to the prequel show Gerrera have a passing encounter with Andor, but not enough to mess up the already galaxy-sized continuity of the "Star Wars" universe? Might we also see the anti-villain carrying fewer battle scars than "Rogue One" and being more man than machine, given this point in rebel-fuelled history?

A striking similarity to Rogue One

Everything is connected in the "Star Wars" universe, so it was no surprise to get an homage of sorts to "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" in the second "Andor" trailer. At the 23-second mark in the video, we see a (presumably) young Andor climb into the mysterious Imperial ship that's landed on his planet. The entrance to the Imperial ship is a long, dark corridor which makes Andor look relatively small and insignificant at the end of it — although we know that won't be the case with the character.

"Rogue One" fans might have recognized this shot, as it appears to mimic one from the 2016 film. When a young Jyn Erso (Beau Gadsdon) hides from Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) in the film's opening scene, we see the same type of camerawork. Just after her mother is killed and her father is taken captive by the Empire, Jyn hides in a hidden underground shelter. When Saw Gerrera finds her, we see the same perspective of looking down a long hall of sorts toward our future hero. Seeing that "Andor" is a direct spin-off of "Rogue One," we can expect to see a lot more of these similarities when the series debuts.

Denise Gough's character takes center stage

A "Star Wars" television series about a fomenting rebellion would not be complete without an Imperial antagonist. Although there is very little known about the Imperial officer that actor Denise Gough will be playing, we can infer from the trailer that she is integral in the Empire's early attempts at quashing the Rebellion. Considering that the upcoming "Andor" takes place before the events of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," the Rebellion is not yet strong enough to even contemplate launching large-scale attacks like the one seen in "Star Wars: A New Hope."

The trailer for "Andor" sees several scenes featuring Gough's character, and it's safe to assume that she will be an imposing foil against Cassian Andor. The first scene shows her flanked by two intimidating black-clad Stormtroopers, while the next sees her walking in a sterile-looking hallway while a voiceover explains that somebody is caught in her net. Another moment of the "Andor" trailer has her lording over a holographic map followed by a close-up of her asking if an off-screen character is a fish or a thief — likely Andor.

Gough's character looks to be the opposite of Andor, appearing rigid and orderly, while he is a cunning scamp who can think on his feet. Either way, it will be interesting to see how this as-of-yet unknown character fits in the greater lore of the "Star Wars" universe.

Is that Planet Bracca from the Fallen Order game?

At 50 seconds into the trailer, we see a few shots of ruined ships being ripped to shreds in some kind of junkyard — with smaller ships and workers cutting into them, presumably to salvage the metal and components inside. But this imagery will look awfully familiar to anyone who's played "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order," which kicks off with troubled padawan Cal Kestis (Cameron Monaghan) hiding out as a worker on the junk planet, Bracca. He's just one of the thousands working worldwide dismantling republic-era ships, fighters, and droids to make some profit.

What's interesting is that we see Cassian surrounded by scrappers and junk, implying that he might be on Bracca as part of a mission against the Empire. This doesn't necessarily mean we'll get a cameo from Monaghan as Kestis — even though fans have been desperate to see the star reprise the role in live-action — but it's worth noting that the new series takes place in a similar time frame to "Fallen Order." The Empire has taken control of the galaxy, but it's still a few years away from the events of "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope."

Welcome back, Benthic Two Tubes

The "Andor" trailer also features a blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance from an incomparable fan-favorite "Star Wars" icon... Benthic Two Tubes! Oh yes, the alien who briefly appears in "Solo" and "Rogue One" is back for more shady shenanigans in the new series. Benthic arrives one minute and six seconds into the new trailer as he stands guard in a canyon setting, with a black and gray X-Wing in the background. In case it wasn't clear, Two Tubes gets his name because of his breathing apparatus — which is used to help his body process oxygen (via Fandom). The Tognath mercenary is a skilled fighter, and he first shows up chronologically in "Solo," working alongside Enfys Nest (Erin Kellyman) and the Cloud Riders.

However, Benthic later joins Saw Gerrera and his extremist group, the Partisans, because he wants to fight the Empire actively — and he appears in "Rogue One" on the planet Jedha. But why doesn't Benthic join the Rebel Alliance? Well, Mon Mothma's (Genevieve O'Reilly) organization didn't approve of Gerrera's violent tactics, so they're not welcome in the central rebellion. Hopefully, the mercenary will get to do more in "Andor" than he does in "Solo" and "Rogue One."