The Bones Episode Fans Found Hard To Watch

Between 2005 and 2017, Fox's goofy, gory, frequently thrilling procedural drama "Bones" was one of the best-loved shows on television. And over that lengthy stretch, it aired a staggering 240-plus episodes, with Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan (Emily Deschanel), FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz), and the rest of the Jeffersonian gang using a mix of groundbreaking tech, piercing intellect, and old-fashioned detective work to solve wild murder mysteries of all shapes and sizes.

Based loosely on the life and works of famed forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, those mysteries were largely centered around the Washington, D.C., area. But on rare occasions, the "Bones" creative team opted to venture far from the nation's capital, using an unfamiliar setting to test the wits, skill, and often patience of the entire Jeffersonian team. That was just the tactic for a Season 4 episode that found Brennan and Booth hopping across the pond to help solve a brutal crime abroad. Unfortunately, the episode in question is one generally loathed by even diehard fans of "Bones." 

Bones fans did not enjoy watching Brennan and Booth at work in England

Titled "Yanks in the U.K.," the problematic "Bones" episode is the two-part Season 4 premiere, which found Brennan and Booth assisting in a U.K. murder case involving the royal family. Redditor KeevaLeo began their recent thread by posting, "Found these two episodes a real struggle to watch. The acting was pretty awful and the episode just felt all over the place no real flow to it very uninteresting." They're not alone in that opinion, with another user claiming the episodes were so bad, they took an extended break from the series. "When those episodes aired, it took me 2 years to come back to it because I resented them so much... I have never rewatched them," they wrote. User ctmdakhimddewa admitted they pass on the episodes in rewatch too, stating, "I typically skip them when I rewatch..."

In the opinion of SquilliamFancySon95, they leaned so heavily on the culture-clash angle it became insulting. "They could have had fun with the episodes, but they chose to play up these stupid grade school stereotypes about America vs England that no one actually cares about or believes. I feel like everyone's intelligence was insulted here lol," they opined. On that point, KeevaLeo agreed, offering Booth's antics, in particular, were beyond absurd, "The storyline of him being unable to adapt outside of American norms by being in London for like less than a week was totally ridiculous," they wrote.

So the consensus on "Yanks in the U.K." is that an interesting idea was frustratingly wasted. And if you've seen the episodes, it's difficult to disagree.