Josh Brolin Is Morphing Into Cable For Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is becoming more and more real, and so is Cable.

After Ryan Reynolds shared a few photos from the set of the upcoming sequel, Cable actor Josh Brolin posted a selfie of the mold being made of the right half of his face. Comic book fans know that Cable's face is scarred on that side and he's got a cybernetic eye. Check out the photo below.

"Insanity on the brink," Brolin wrote. "Face is morphing into something machine, fierce, hair sliced, arm machined, bulged. Where is Deadpool?!? Looking. Looking. All I got are these two... molding me, prodding, turning me into something hard."

Brolin also previously shared a photo of his workout in preparation to play the ripped character. Clearly, Marvel found the right guy for the job.

He'll join Ryan Reynolds in the flick that co-stars Zazie Beetz (Atlanta) as Domino and Julian Dennison (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) in an unknown role.

Deadpool 2 is slated to arrive June 1, 2018. In the meantime, find out why it will blow everyone away.

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