Ranking Every Couple On Chicago Med

Many a couple has come and gone on "Chicago Med," and unfortunately, most are total disasters. The Gaffney Chicago Medical Center doctors might be experts in their professions, but they certainly have a lot to learn about relationships. Since the series kicked off in 2015, fans have watched the doctors and nurses of the ED jump from one complicated relationship to the next. In what must be a total nightmare for the Human Resources department, professional and romantic relationships constantly intersect and often cross the line.

It's a fair assumption to say that most "Chicago Med" couples are dumpster fires from the start. The very worst never stand a chance, and only really serve to prolong certain storylines. Some ED doctors dip their toes into the dating pool more than others — we're looking at you, Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) — while others are a little more selective about their partners. We've broken down 16 couples from "Chicago Med" and ranked them from worst to best, based on likability, promise, and fan support (or lack thereof). While we wish this list were full of happy, positive couplings, the majority of these relationships tend to be the exact opposite — but hey, that's TV.

16. Natalie and Phillip

There's no denying Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) and Phillip Davis (Ian Harding) are the worst couple to ever exist on "Chicago Med." In fact, we could make a strong argument that Natalie and Ian are the single worst couple in the entire "One Chicago" franchise, and perhaps even the greater Dick Wolf universe.

In Season 4, Ian brings his pregnant wife into the emergency room. Unfortunately, she suffers a brain aneurysm and dies. An emergency C-section saves their baby, and Natalie is flooded with compassion for Phillip. The two slowly start a relationship. Eventually, however, Natalie realizes she still has feelings for Will. Just when she's ready to confess to him, she's in an accident that causes temporary amnesia.

While Natalie is unconscious in the hospital, Phillip slips an engagement ring on her finger. When she wakes up, he convinces her that she previously agreed to marry him. What a gem. Thankfully, Dr. Crockett Marcel (Dominic Rains) sees the ring mischief go down and enlightens Will and Natalie. She breaks off the fake engagement. When Phillip's daughter needs life-saving surgery, he slaps a DNR on her and skips town, disappearing entirely  after Season 5's "All in the Family." We couldn't be happier to see that train wreck of a storyline end.

15. Sarah and Joey

Remember Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) and Joey Thomas (Peter Mark Kendall)? It's okay if you don't — the characters departed "Chicago Med" quite some time ago. Sarah is assigned to Chicago Med for her rotation during her fourth year in medical school. She's rather wishy-washy on what route to take, first quitting after being paired with pathology, then returning to the hospital to work under the mentorship of Dr. Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) in psychiatry.

Joey, who works as the hospital's pathology technician, sparks a flirtatious relationship with Sarah, and the two eventually start dating. When she finds out that Joey is on a dating app, however, Sarah flips her lid. He decides to take himself off the platform, and the two become exclusive. In a show full of adults with real-life relationship problems, Sarah and Joey's storyline feels trivial and immature. Fans just don't care for them: As Redditor u/Beneficial_Milk_2827 wrote in the "Chicago Med" subreddit, "They were never good together. He always seems to bend over backwards for her, and she does the bare minimum for him. I don't like Sarah either, mainly because she makes EVERYTHING about her."

In Season 4, Sarah departs the series after a falling-out with Dr. Charles. She transfers to another hospital. Joey probably still works at the Med, though he hasn't been shown since Season 3.

14. Connor and Ava

There will probably never be a more complicated or dramatic relationship on "Chicago Med" than the one between Dr. Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) and Dr. Ava Bekker (Norma Kuhling). At first, the duo does nothing but pick at each other. Ava starts to develop feelings for Connor first, and, when he considers leaving, sleeps with his father to secure funding for a hybrid operating room. The hybrid OR is a dream for Connor, so he stays once it's funded ... but he has no idea it's been secured by Ava sleeping with someone he hates.

A romantic relationship eventually blossoms, but once Connor's father reveals the truth, it doesn't last. Ava denies it for quite some time, and even goes to unspeakable lengths to silence Connor's father: When he's admitted to the hospital, she kills him with a lethal dose of insulin. It takes some time, but Connor eventually gets confirmation that Ava not only slept with his father, but murdered him to keep him quiet as well. When he confronts Ava at the hospital, she kills herself in an operating room. It's the darkest moment in "Chicago Med" history and also results in Connor's departure from the series.

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​.

13. Will and Sabeena

While Dr. Will Halstead and Dr. Sabeena Virani (Tehmina Sunny) don't have as tumultuous a relationship as many others on this list, they are one of the show's most short-lived couples. Sabeena first appears in Season 6, serving as a cardiologist working for a pharmaceutical company. She successfully recruits Will to help her in a trial for a new drug, which they initially see great promise in. They flirt here and there throughout the season, establishing a will-they-won't-they vibe that lasts for quite some time.

Eventually, they couple up without putting a label on it. But Will crosses the line when he screws up the entire trial and lies to Sabeena about it. When she discovers that pills have been stolen and unreported, all of her work is put in jeopardy. She and Will subsequently fall out. We have to assume it was never really meant to be anyway, as sexual tension between Sabeena and Dr. Ethan Choi (Brian Tee) also simmers, though the writers never fully develop it.

12. Connor and Sam

Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Samantha Zanetti (Julie Berman) couple up in Season 1 of "Chicago Med." The pair doesn't last more than a few episodes, but it's one of the series' few amicable breakups. Sam pushes Connor in ways we don't see his other partners do. The two can get a little combative when it comes to patients, but they're able to get over their nonsense reasonably quickly.

Sam ends up dumping Connor toward the middle of Season 1 after accepting a job offer as Johns Hopkins University's lead trauma surgeon. Connor isn't too bent out of shape about the split, as he knows this is a job offer anyone would be crazy to turn down. All in all, Connor's time with Sam allows viewers an illuminatingly deep dive into his life. Though she's hardly the last woman we see the surgeon romantically involved with, she's a crucial partner — if only for a short time.

11. Will and Hannah

Over the years, Dr. Will Halstead gets swept up in a lot of tricky business. In Season 5, he meets Hannah Asher (Jessy Schram) at an off-the-books drug treatment center. There, she's a patient struggling with an addiction to prescription painkillers. Shortly afterward, Will bumps into Hannah at the hospital, and is shocked to find out she's a doctor. While he's skeptical of her at first, Will and Hannah eventually form a decent relationship.

Most of Will And Hannah's time together happens off-screen, between Seasons 5 and 6. They seem like quite the happy couple when Season 6 picks up, but after a fight, Hannah relapses. She vows to get sober, and tells Will she's going to rehab again. Hannah admits that once she finishes, she will leave Chicago, and asks Will to come with her. After acknowledging that he can't be her only reason for getting sober, the pair break up, and Hannah leaves "Chicago Med" for good.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

10. Vicky and Ethan

Dr. Ethan Choi and Vicky Glass (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) have a very short-lived romance in Season 1, spanning just four episodes. However, the VA doctor shocks everyone when she returns in Season 4 to visit Ethan in the hospital. Though things have started to get spicy between Ethan and April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) at this point, Vicky's return puts that budding romance on hold.

Vicky basically serves to delay the Ethan-April relationship everyone knows is coming. This makes it hard to root for Vicky at any point along the way. Just like the audience, Ethan knows he'll never be able to put his feelings for April aside, and thus breaks things off with Vicky in the middle of Season 4. She leaves their conversation angry, and is never seen again.

Fans weren't too broken-hearted over her departure. As one viewer Tweeted, "Ethan finally breaking up with Vicky I'm so happy. Chexton shippers we are winning rn."

9. April and Tate

April Sexton and Tate Jenkins (Deron J. Powell) have one of the more complicated relationships on "Chicago Med." They meet when Tate arrives at the ED with his son, who's swallowed magnets. Slowly but surely, he and April start to develop something serious. After April becomes pregnant, Tate proposes marriage, which April accepts. But sadly, in Season 2, she miscarries. She and Tate are unable to deal with the trauma, and eventually split up.

While the loss of their pregnancy is devastating, some fans aren't certain the couple was ever meant to be. "So sad, but it has to happen. Two different worlds, two different expectations. I'm sad for them both," one viewer Tweeted after the breakup. Many fans are similarly conflicted regarding this relationship, as Tate often pushes April to quit her job. Viewers know she's a dedicated and loyal nurse who loves what she does. If your significant other is pushing you to be someone you're not, it's time to say goodbye.

8. Will and Nina

One of the first people we see Dr. Will Halstead couple up with is Nina Shore (Patti Murin), a pathologist at the hospital. The two have quite a lovely relationship, and one of the few in "Chicago Med" history that isn't riddled with problems. Nina and Will even move in together in Season 2, and appear, for a moment, to stand a real chance. But of course, they don't last: Will breaks things off with Nina because he still has feelings for Dr. Natalie Manning. It's rather evident that the Will and Nina storyline is a way to postpone the former's romantic involvement with Natalie.

Despite her being a nice person, fans aren't too keen on the relationship between Will and Nina. Over on Reddit, viewers of the series often complain about the pair's relationship. "It sort of felt like they plopped [Nina] down in the show just to fill in Dr Halsteads love interest, and she had no impact," u/tomdog104 wrote. "She was totally wasted as a character," u/Coachman76 added. Thankfully, Nina isn't discarded after her breakup with Will — she appears as a guest star in several Season 4 episodes.

7. Natalie and Jeff

We first meet Jeff Clarke (Jeff Hephner) in the Season 1 finale, where he's introduced as a medical student. Jeff first appeared on "Chicago Fire," and is one of the first instances of a crossover between that show and "Chicago Med." We soon learn that he and Natalie know each other, as he's her late husband's former best friend. A romantic relationship kicks off between Jeff and Natalie at the beginning of Season 2. At first, they try to hide it from everyone at the hospital, but it's not long before everyone finds out.

The happy times don't last, however, as Natalie gets upset at Jeff's behavior during a morbidity and mortality review. Jeff ends up confessing he's always wished he had married Natalie instead of his now ex-wife, which makes the events of the past rather sticky. Natalie now knows her husband's best friend was in love with her while he was still alive, which is too much for her to handle. Soon enough, they break up. To most viewers, this coupling seems like another plot to keep Natalie and Will away from each other for just a little bit longer.

6. Will and Natalie

"Chicago Med" has always revolved around the will-they-won't-they relationship between Dr. Will Halstead and Dr. Natalie Manning. Will's feelings for Natalie have been evident since Season 1, but he can't initially pursue them, as she's grieving the loss of her husband. The duo never quite manage to get the timing right after her mourning period ends — whenever one is available, the other isn't.

The pair finally become a couple in Season 3, and eventually become engaged, with their wedding set for Season 4. Of course, this can't play out in one big, happy ending. Will gets pulled into protective custody on the day of their nuptials, leaving Natalie crying in her wedding dress. She gives Will back the ring, but eventually realizes she still loves him and wants to get back together. A brutal car accident snuffs things out, however, and is followed by the Phillip debacle.

Throughout the next few seasons, Will and Natalie seem like they might get back together, but never actually do. When she steals medication from the hospital, Will goes above and beyond for her by taking the fall. But Natalie eventually confesses the truth, and is promptly fired. She and Will say goodbye for good in the Season 7 finale.

5. Connor and Robyn

Robyn Charles (Mekia Cox) makes her "Chicago Med" debut in Season 2's "Brother's Keeper." The epidemiologist is revealed to be the daughter of Dr. Daniel Charles, with whom she has a very strained relationship. Romance quickly blooms between Robyn and Dr. Connor Rhodes after they meet in the cafeteria, but unfortunately, a health condition soon complicates things.

Shortly after they move in together, Robyn begins struggling with intense bouts of panic. She thinks she hears things that aren't there, and is misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Thankfully, her psychiatrist father knows something isn't right. His intervention reveals a tumor in her brain, which is causing her episodes. Connor proves to be a phenomenal caretaker, standing by Robyn as she travels down the road to recovery.

Robyn eventually ends her relationship with Connor through a note, in which she reveals she's going to seek treatment outside of Chicago. Although he wants to chase after her, Dr. Charles convinces him not to. Thus ends what is probably the best relationship Connor ever enjoys on "Chicago Med."

4. April and Ethan

Next to Dr. Will Halstead and Dr. Natalie Manning, April Sexton and Dr. Ethan Choi serve as the other big couple on "Chicago Med." In the Season 2 finale, the pair kiss at April's brother's graduation party, and start a secret relationship in Season 3. They never can seem to make their happiness last, however — something's always getting in the way of their happily-ever-after.

The two argue over handling Ethan's sister, who is thrust back into his life in Season 3. Ethan is decidedly harsh with her after she becomes pregnant with an older married man's child, but April has more compassion. This causes the pair to break off their engagement, and spurs April into moving out of Ethan's apartment.

They later recouple in Season 5, and briefly believe they're pregnant. When it's revealed they aren't, Ethan and April decide that they definitely want to be parents one day. However, when Ethan leaves on deployment, April ends up kissing Dr. Crockett Marcel. She confesses to Ethan when he comes back, causing an irrevocable rift in their bond. Eventually, April and Ethan's ill-fated relationship ends with a quick goodbye at the hospital.

3. Crockett and Natalie

After Dr. Crockett Marcel joined "Chicago Med" in Season 5, fans were immediately curious who his romantic interest might be. In a series flooded with couplings and uncouplings, Crockett was definitely not going to remain single for long. After a kiss with April, the trauma surgeon starts showing feelings for Natalie. These are heightened after he and Natalie are in a hostage situation in Season 5. Soon enough, the two start hooking up.

Crockett feels comfortable enough with Natalie to talk about the death of his daughter, something we often see him struggle with at work. The pair continues to develop a nice relationship, and even admit to loving one another. But things quickly fall apart in Season 6. This isn't surprising: At this point in production, Torrey DeVitto was famously about to leave "Chicago Med."

They end on good terms, with Natalie apologizing to Crockett for not filling him in on the drug-stealing scandal that results in her termination. They split amicably, with Crockett thanking Natalie for helping him open up.

2. Daniel and CeCe

Finally, a "Chicago Med" couple we can truly get behind. Caroline "CeCe" Charles (Paula Newsome) is introduced in Season 4's "We Hold These Truths." It's soon revealed she was Dr. Daniel Charles' first wife, and is Robyn Charles' mother. Daniel still loves and cares for CeCe, and when it's revealed she is battling lymphoma, he proposes to her for the second time. The pair are married in the Season 4 finale.

Unfortunately, CeCe's cancer progresses. Knowing that she doesn't have much time left, Daniel plans a goodbye party for his beloved, where everyone CeCe knows and loves can come and bid her farewell. After the party, CeCe and Daniel embark on a trip by themselves. Her last appearance arrives in Season 5's "I Can't Imagine the Future." Thankfully, her death does not play out on screen.

Although it's short-lived, Daniel and CeCe's romance is one of the most beautiful on "Chicago Med." Granted, that title comes easy when the couple in question is surrounded by train wrecks. Nevertheless, their love is a breath of fresh air.

1. Maggie and Ben

Only one couple on "Chicago Med" can be dubbed the greatest, and it's no surprise to fans that the honor goes to the only relationship that is still intact. Nurse Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) and Ben Campbell (Charles Malik Whitfield) meet while undergoing chemotherapy for their respective cancers. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, and sparks fly immediately. Ben constantly pushes Maggie to be her best self, and is easily the most supportive partner we see on "Chicago Med." He goes into remission first, with Maggie following shortly after. The pair soon decide to get married.

The duo then falls for a young, chronically ill patient named Auggie (Christopher Farrar), who needs a new liver. After serving as his foster parents, they take action to adopt him. As they navigate the process of finding Auggie a new liver, it's discovered that he has a biological brother in California. When that boy's adoptive parents come to Illinois, Maggie and Ben make the tough decision to let Auggie live with his brother, instead of trying to adopt him.

Maggie and Ben's love and dedication to one another helps them get through the heartbreak of losing Auggie. Like many fans, we hope to see them become parents sometime in the future — if anyone deserves it, it's them.