The Latest Trailer For Marvel's Hit-Monkey Brings A Daredevil Villain Into The Mix

Hulu has released a brand-new trailer for its upcoming Marvel Television show, "Hit-Monkey." The animated series follows Bryce (voiced by "Ted Lasso" star Jason Sudeikis) as the ghost of a deceased hitman who mentors a Japanese snow monkey as the pair set out to take on Japan's criminal underworld. The monkey shoots guns and wears sunglasses. Sometimes he wields a katana. There's lots of blood. It looks, frankly, awesome.

Adult animation is, notably, crossing over more frequently with superhero properties these days. Considering how long both have been around, it's a bit surprising to note that only recently have we been treated to irreverent cartoon comedies set in our favorite fictional universes, thanks largely to shows like DC's "Harley Quinn" and "Star Trek: Lower Decks." While said shows tend to be full of B and C-list characters, they provide a chance for fans to see more of the universes they love in a way they probably haven't before, and to explore the kinds of characters who usually don't get to spend any time in the spotlight.

That's partly why it's so exciting to see fan-favorite comic book characters showing up in the new "Hit-Monkey" trailer, which even features an appearance from a certain weapons expert who "Daredevil" comic book readers will likely recognize.

The latest Hit-Monkey trailer introduces Lady Bullseye

Blink and you'll miss it, but just before the one-minute mark of the latest "Hit-Monkey" trailer, none other than Lady Bullseye shows up for a brief cameo. The "Daredevil" villain sports her signature bullseye logo on her forehead in the trailer, but otherwise, is depicted as wearing a much tamer costume than some may remember from the comics.

While Lady Bullseye's backstory has taken many forms over the years in the comics as well, the character's most common origin story sees her captured and enslaved by the Yakuza as a young child. Whether that will be the case with the "Hit-Monkey" version of her is not yet clear, but given the series' use of the Japanese criminal underworld as its setting, her Yakuza-centric comics backstory would make a lot of sense on the show. In the comics, she goes on to become a valued member of The Hand, a feared criminal organization that operates in the shadows, but there have been no indications up to this point that The Hand will show up in "Hit-Monkey."

About a minute and 45 seconds into the new "Hit-Monkey" trailer, Lady Bullseye makes another surprise appearance, one that sees her riding a motorcycle and throwing a projectile that explodes on impact. It's a moment that makes it clear that, no matter what her backstory ends up being in "Hit-Monkey," the show's heroes better hope they're not the ones she's chasing.

"Hit-Monkey," which also stars Olivia Munn and George Takei, premieres November 17 on Hulu.