Disney+ Marvel Show Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spinoff

In this newest phase of the MCU, Marvel has taken a bit of a break from only making stories for the big screen and has instead begun to explore the world of television. First was the mind-bending "WandaVision," then the thrilling "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," and finally the mesmerizing and hilarious "Loki." Overall, it's been a wonderful new development. The new miniseries structure has given these epic superhero stories, which sometimes have felt a bit cramped in their relatively brief theatrical runtimes, a bit more room to breathe. They've also helped fill out the MCU by giving us time to get to know some truly expansive casts of supporting characters, both old and new.

It's only a matter of time before one of these supporting characters get a show of their own, but which of them should it be? Let's run down all our favorite characters who appear in the Disney+ Marvel shows that we think are most deserving of their own spinoff series.

Jimmy Woo and Darcy Lewis

Among the many distinctive returning characters that we had a chance to catch up with in "WandaVision" were an unexpected pairing that became one of our favorite parts of the series: Jimmy Woo and Darcy Lewis. FBI Agent Jimmy Woo (Randall Park) had previously appeared in the "Ant Man" films as a perpetual thorn in the side of Scott Lang. Though well-meaning and friendly, Agent Woo is also hopelessly square, and always doing things by the book. Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) debuted in the first two "Thor" films as Jane Foster's sarcastic and quirky assistant. Though always portrayed as being totally out of her depth in those films, she's apparently grown up a tremendous amount in the years since: in "WandaVision," "Doctor" Darcy Lewis is now presented as one of the leading experts in weird Marvel superscience.

We never could have predicted it, but these two are great together. Jimmy and Darcy totally deserve their very own "X-Files"-style buddy cop supernatural procedure. Think about it — Jimmy is the sweet put-upon responsible one, and Darcy is the mischievous countercultural rascal. Jimmy supplies the law enforcement experience, and Darcy knows everything about scientific and magical anomalies. Come on, Marvel, make it happen.

Isaiah Bradley

In episode 2 of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," Sam Wilson meets an elderly man named Isaiah Bradley, played by Carl Lumbly. Through speaking with him, Sam discovers a lost chapter in the history of the Marvel universe, or perhaps it's more accurate to say a chapter that has been redacted by the US government.

Back in the 1950s, Isaiah Bradley was part of a group of soldiers that were experimented on in an attempt to recreate the Captain America super soldier serum. In his case, the experiment worked. Bradley became a superhuman, but since he was a black man, the government hid all evidence of his existence. The military used him as a pawn for a while, along with a squad of other similarly enhanced soldiers, to run covert missions during the Korean War, and he even crossed paths with the Winter Soldier during this time. However, after he disobeyed orders to save the lives of his squadmates, the government decided that Bradley was more trouble than he was worth, and they locked him away for 30 years.

"Agent Carter" already proved that the MCU and historical fiction are a dynamite combination. We'd love a chance to see this beautifully tragic 1950s spy thriller, starring a black superhero, or maybe even an entire team of black superheroes. When Malcolm Spellman, the creator of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," was asked by the Hollywood Reporter whether or not he'd be interested in making an Isaiah Bradley prequel, his response was, "For sure."


Perhaps the single biggest addition that "Loki" makes to the wider MCU is the introduction of the Time Variance Authority, an organization dedicated to preserving the integrity of a single "Sacred Timeline," and destroying all other divergent realities. At first, we're told that the members of the TVA are all artificial beings, but we later learn that the agents of the TVA are actually real people from alternate timelines who have been pulled from their home realities, given a memory wipe, and conscripted into service.

After the apparent breakdown of the TVA at the end of the season, at least in certain timelines, there are going to be countless former TVA agents who are now lost and searching for meaning. You could make a series about any one of these characters, but we think that the most interesting way to go would be instead to see the perspectives of all of them.

We'd love to see an ensemble cast show about the TVA with a rotating protagonist, in the style of shows like "Orange is the New Black" or "The Haunting of Hill House." Some characters might try to learn who they once were and track down old friends and loved ones. Given that these characters are from timelines that no longer exist, many of their stories would end in tragedy. There would also be stories set before our characters knew the truth — we might even glimpse who some of them were before, as flashes of memory slowly return to them.

Agatha Harkness

One of the greatest moments in "WandaVision" has to be the reveal at the end of episode 7, when we learn that Wanda's nosy neighbor Agnes is actually the villainous Agatha Harkness. Kathryn Hahn gives a delightful performance as the nefarious witch in what little time she's given; because her true identity isn't revealed until basically the end of the series, we still haven't had nearly enough Agatha for our liking.

There are many ways that Marvel could go with an Agatha spinoff series. It could be a prequel — an expanded version of the flashbacks we saw of Agatha's time during the Salem witch trials. It could also be a sequel. If Agatha somehow gets free of Wanda's brainwashing, her story could go in any number of interesting directions, whether she stays evil or seeks redemption. And you can bet that if we got to hear "Agatha All Along" at the start of each episode, there's no way we'd ever hit that "skip intro" button.

The only real strike against making Agatha a full-on protagonist is just how evil she is. After all, at one point, Agatha proudly confesses that she was the one who killed Wanda's dog Sparky. It's kind of hard to imagine a person like that being someone that an audience could really root for. But then again, Disney's "Cruella" film has shown us that nowadays, a willingness to kill dogs is not necessarily a deal breaker for a character when it comes to a sympathetic re-imagining, so anything's possible.

War Machine

James "Rhodey" Rhodes, also known as War Machine, is one of the few characters that has been a continuous presence in the MCU since the very first film, 2008's "Iron Man." Although the character was played by Terrence Howard in his first appearance, Don Cheadle has now appeared as Rhodey in seven films.

But despite Rhodey's ubiquity in the MCU, he's never really had an opportunity to be at the center of his own story, and we still honestly don't know all that much about him. What is his backstory? What are his hopes and fears? Who is he really, as a person? We get some glimpses now and then, like the wonderfully touching moments between him and Nebula in "Avengers: Endgame." And War Machine's appearance in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" was a pleasant surprise, as it always is. But even including these examples, we still feel that Rhodey has been tragically underutilized pretty much every time he shows up. Cheadle is doing so much with so little that it's time he finally had a story that was worthy of him.

Fortunately, it was recently announced that we will indeed most likely get what we're asking for this time. Marvel has announced that Rhodey will be the central character in the upcoming series "Armor Wars." Whatever Marvel is planning with this series, we're confident that Cheadle will absolutely knock it out of the park.

Alligator Loki

"Loki" introduced us to a wide array of different incarnations of the God of Mischief, and any of them could absolutely be the focus of their own series. The obvious choice would clearly be Sylvie, but let's be a little less predictable and have a little fun. Let's talk about Alligator Loki.

We don't know much about this alligator with seemingly human-level intelligence, but there's a bit in Episode 5 that might be the key to understanding the world he comes from. There's a brief moment in the Lokis' secret lair in which we see a frog dressed like Thor (and voiced by Chris Hemsworth) trapped in a small glass container. This moment is presumably intended as a throwaway reference to the comics character Throg, but another potential interpretation is that this frog version of Thor is actually from the same alternate reality as Alligator Loki, perhaps implying that there is a version of Asgard that is a swamp full of sentient animals.

Picture this alternate reality in which Thor, Odin, and Frigga are all frogs, and their adopted son Loki grew up believing that he too was a frog, until one day he learned the terrible truth — that he is in fact an alligator. Are Lady Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral all river creatures? Is Heimdall a wise old owl with enormous blazing eyes? Yes, it's absurd, but we would also definitely watch it.

Monica Rambeau

Early on in "WandaVision," we meet a Westview resident named Geraldine, played by Teyonah Parris. Eventually it's revealed that Geraldine is actually a double agent, sent in by SWORD to investigate the Westview anomaly. Not only that, but her real name is Monica Rambeau. That's right, she is Maria Rambeau's child from the movie "Captain Marvel," now all grown up.

Monica winds up endowed with superpowers of her own, and even participates in some of the action during the finale, but we still couldn't help but feel that Monica didn't really get to do much. We've since learned the reason why: Monica Rambeau's role was actually downsized somewhat, with multiple scenes and storylines cut at various stages of the process. One was a recurring subplot involving her therapist, according to an episode of the podcast "The Awardist." Another was a major action scene during the finale in which Monica, Darcy, and Ralph would have battled a giant demonic rabbit, according to an interview with director Matt Shakman on the podcast "Fatman Beyond."

We understand that these cuts may have been necessary for the greater good of the story. But at the same time, we want Monica to have a story of her own, where she can fight all the demonic rabbits she wants and there's no one around to stop her. We're definitely going to get more Monica in the upcoming film "The Marvels," and that's great, but why not a solo series as well?


The character of Ayo first appeared in "Captain America: Civil War," as Prince T'Challa's imposing bodyguard. Despite only having a single line, Florence Kasumba was immediately fascinating in the role. Since then, after appearing in "Black Panther" and "Avengers: Infinity War," Ayo also had a memorable part in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier." In addition to a now iconic fight in which she totally mopped the floor with the inept John Walker, we also see a softer side of her in a flashback which shows that she developed a friendship with Bucky during his time in Wakanda.

We think a television series centered on Ayo would be an absolute slam dunk. And if you're a fan of the comics, you know there's another reason to be excited about her. The comic "Black Panther: World of Wakanda" features a romance between Ayo and another member of the Dora Milaje named Aneka, one of only a handful of canonical queer relationships that exist in any version of the Marvel universe. The potential queerness of the MCU version of Ayo was almost confirmed once already in "Black Panther," in a scene that sadly did not make the final cut of the film.

Though we still haven't seen much of her, Ayo has just as much potential to be a rich and interesting character as any of the more prominent Wakandans that we've spent more time with. She'll most likely have a part in the upcoming Wakanda TV series. Here's hoping it's a big one.

The Lamentian Homesteader

Episode 3 of "Loki" features a very minor character, listed in the credits as "The Lamentian Homesteader." She isn't terribly important, and we'll most likely never see her again, but for some reason, we just can't stop thinking about her.

When Loki and Sylvie are searching for a way off the doomed planet Lamentis, they come across a small home in the middle of the wasteland. As Sylvie opens the door, she is immediately knocked off her feet by a blast from some sort of sci-fi shotgun. Inside the home, we see an older woman holding the gun, steely determination in her eyes. In the scene that follows, the actress playing the homesteader, Susan Gallagher, effortlessly holds her own against Sophia Di Martino and Tom Hiddleston.

In addition to her clear intelligence and ruthlessness, and the fact that she's implied to have some sort of complex toxic relationship with an ex-husband, perhaps the most intriguing thing about the Lamentian Homesteader is that, unlike all the other people on this planet, she isn't attempting to flee. She is sitting in her home, patiently awaiting death. It's rare for a character to be so instantly compelling with so little screen time. Don't get us wrong, we love the mystery surrounding this woman, and in some ways, we don't want to know anything else about her. But on the other hand, we also want to know everything.

Sharon Carter

Since her first appearance in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," we've always felt like the character of Sharon Carter, aka Agent 13 (Emily VanCamp), has had potential. Unfortunately, she hasn't had too many opportunities to actually do anything with that potential. That's why we were thrilled to get a chance to catch up with Agent 13 during "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier." We learn that because she threw her lot in with the half of the Avengers who refused to sign the Sokovia Accords in "Captain America: Civil War," Carter's been on the run from the law ever since, making a life for herself in the lawless country of Madripoor. We also eventually learn that she has grown bitter at the way that her country betrayed her, becoming a criminal mastermind known as the Power Broker.

If Sharon Carter ever got her own series, there's many ways she could go from here. Perhaps something happens that causes her to regain her hope in humanity and abandon her criminal ways. Or alternatively, she could go further down the path of crime, in a self-destructive "Breaking Bad"-esque spiral of poor decisions. Heck, in the comics, she was even the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for a while, so nothing's really off the table when it comes to Agent 13.

That one FBI agent who was a Skrull

The final episode of "WandaVision" has a mid-credits sequence in which an unnamed FBI agent, played by Lori Livingston, approaches Monica Rambeau and pulls her aside. The agent then shapeshifts and drops her human disguise, revealing her true identity as a Skrull. The Skrull tells Monica that an old friend of Monica's mother wants to meet with her.

It's a moment that's pretty clearly intended to tease the upcoming film "The Marvels," but to be honest, as interesting as her message is, we're just as intrigued by the messenger. Yes, it's possible that this Skrull woman is just temporarily posing as an FBI agent in order to contact Monica, but consider for a moment an alternative: what if this character is actually a full-time FBI agent, but also secretly a Skrull?

Think about it. By day, she plays the part of a human, solving the case of the week in a fairly standard police procedural. By night, she lives a double life in the secret subculture of Skrulls who are hiding right here on Earth. Sometimes her two worlds collide, and she has to either covertly use her shapeshifting powers to solve crimes, or use her position within the FBI to hide the existence of the Skrulls from the general public. Now that's one heck of a premise.