Why Seth Rogen's Latest Appearance On Conan O'Brien Has Everyone Talking

Seth Rogen and Conan O'Brien are two of the biggest names in comedy. While the average person may not think they have too much in common, the two funnymen just had quite the moment on O'Brien's late-night talk show, which ends its run on June 24. 

The stand-up comic is ending his longtime presence on late-night TV to try his hand at a new show on HBO Max, though details of that new venture are still unknown. Rogen is one of the many big names helping O'Brien close out his show — and his appearance certainly has got people talking. While he may be best known for his comedic talent and signature laugh, Rogen is also well known for his affinity for marijuana. O'Brien, certainly the less mellowed out of the two, remarked, "You seem like a guy who's relaxed, centered, like you know who you are. I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands now for a while. We're going to start something else up, but I'm going to have some downtime, and honestly—I'm not even kidding—I don't really know what to do with downtime" (via Team Coco on YouTube). 

Rogen, then, offered a solution: smoke some weed. And he even brought the goods with him.

Seth, Andy, and Conan get into some hijinks

In the hilarious moment on "Conan," Seth Rogen casually took a joint out of his pocket to share with O'Brien and his partner-in-crime, Andy Richter (note that recreational marijuana is legal in California, where the show is filmed). Rogen owns his own weed company in Canada, where the drug is legal nationwide, and he is certainly an expert on the product, leading even a novice like O'Brien to be comfortable taking a hit on national television. Richter, too, got in the action, delighting Rogen, who said, "I'm so happy with what just happened."

In the YouTube comments on the official Team Coco channel, viewers shared how much they also enjoyed the moment. "I just watched Conan, Seth Rogen, and Andy smoke weed together. My life is complete... for now," said NotAboutMe79. Timothy Mably had equal praise, saying, "This instantly deserves to be in the highlight reel of Conan's whole career." It wasn't lost, either, that Richter seemed no stranger to the activity. "The way Andy held that j and passed to seth proves that he is a stoner [sic]," remarked soloshanse. 

Many viewers commented that O'Brien didn't even seem to inhale the smoke, but we can understand — you want to have your wits about you when you're leading a talk show. While we may not see the men reunited on the "Conan" stage, we can only hope we get to see this trio get up to more shenanigans in the future.