The CW Is Reportedly Looking Into Another Four-Way Arrow-Verse Crossover

Fans upset about the lack of actual crossover in The CW's four-part Arrow-verse crossover Invasion! last year will be happy to hear what the shows are planning for next season.

Arrow-verse executive producer Andrew Kreisberg talked to Entertainment Weekly about the preparations the shows are taking to make the next four-way crossover even more epic than the last.

"Next year, we're hoping to do a true four-way crossover," he said. "The great thing about our dear friends at The CW and Mark Pedowitz picking the shows up as early as they did has allowed us to start building the schedules for next season."

Some fans were angry after the last crossover, which took place mainly on The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow, except for a small scene at the end of Supergirl's episode. The crossover was also criticized for focusing heavily on individual storylines for each of the shows while not including enough true crossover moments. According to Kreisberg, this issue came mostly due to scheduling with Supergirl, which they had not factored into their initial plans due to the show's surprise move from CBS to The CW after its first season.

"One of the big things we learned from two years ago, which made the crossovers this year slightly easier, was building in shut-down days, where shows just went dark," he said. "The single hardest factor in doing the crossovers is actors' availability because the shows keep going on. You're basically juggling four shows worth of schedules."

Supergirl had none of these shut-down days built in due to the network move, making it difficult to manage the time of star Melissa Benoist.

"Now that we've gotten the early pickup and we've started designing the seasons, we're building in those dark days, and actually more dark days on Supergirl than the other shows, to make it a little easier," Kreisberg said.

While the network hasn't officially announced another crossover, with the shows' close relationships and the ratings bonanza that was Invasion!, it makes sense that they would reunite all of their heroes again. Kevin Smith is also currently begging to direct an Arrow-verse crossover, so there is that.

There is no word on if the crossover could include Black Lightning, the new hero who Greg Berlanti is currently prepping a pilot around (and who may or may not be an official part of the Arrow-verse). Cress Williams was recently cast in the lead role in the series.

The next mini-crossover between the shows will be in March, where The Flash and Supergirl will join together for a two-night musical episode (also reuniting Benoist and Grant Gustin with their Glee costar Darren Criss). While we wait for more interactions between the TV heroes, see how some big-name TV and movie DC superheroes should really look.