Why This Warner Bros. Blog Post Has Justice League Snyder Cut Fans Excited

Warner Bros. changed the way we'll be watching movies throughout 2021 when the studio revealed that its slate of movies for the coming year will launch simultaneously in theaters and HBO Max. The business model recently announced for Wonder Woman 1984 will also be applied to other big name movies like DuneThe Matrix 4, and The Suicide Squad, just to name a few.

We can't know for sure Warner's decision will impact other film distributors in the coming year, but it's clear the studio is going to be very focused on its young streaming platform going forward. For DC fans, that raises a pretty major question — what does all this mean for the upcoming Snyder Cut of Justice League?

There's been tons of conversations about the Snyder Cut regarding how much it'll cost, who will return for reshoots, and how close the HBO Max miniseries will come to Snyder's original intention. However, there is one aspect of the Snyder Cut fans which fans have only been able to guess about — the release date. Might we finally know when the Snyder Cut will be unleashed upon the world? Thanks to a recent Warner Bros. blog post, we're closer than ever to knowing a release date, and, it seems, to seeing the Snyder Cut.

Just how close are we to seeing the Snyder Cut?

CEO of WarnerMedia Jason Kilar posted on Medium all about the studio's distribution plans for 2021. And in the midst of all the film talk, Kilar spared a moment for upcoming HBO Max TV news, writing, "And on the subject of HBO Max, there are so many amazing HBO original series and Max originals I'm excited about." And what was towards the top of the TV list? "This little thing called Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in a few months."

Snyder fans have long hoped that they'd see the new Justice League sooner than later, but considering the reshoots with Ben Affleck, Ray Fisher, and others — not to mention the novel coronavirus still complicating nearly every aspect of TV and film production — it was always possible that the Snyder Cut might take until the end of the year to see release. Think about it this way — The Batman isn't even coming out until 2022 at this point even though its production is back on track, so there was cause for reserved, cautious optimism.

A "few months" could mean a lot of things, but in this context, we think it's safe to say it means three or four months at most. While February didn't used to be a month for big budget releases, it is safe to say that Black Panther smashed that old rule back in 2018. If we were the betting types, though, we'd guess March could be the release date for the Snyder Cut of Justice League. All of which is to say one thing — the long wait for Snyder fans is very nearly over.