Logan Photo Introduces Mysterious New Character

All of the photos revealed so far for Logan, the upcoming Wolverine sequel, have been pretty bleak. But at least someone looks to be having a good time.

A new pic appeared on the movie's official Instagram, and it shows an unidentified character in a white tuxedo somewhere in post-apocalyptic El Paso. The only other clue is the "prom" caption, but that's not all that much help.

While this doesn't appear to be anyone we've been expecting in the flick, CBM reports there's speculation that the character might be Marvel villain Arcade.


A photo posted by @wponx on

In the comics, Arcade is an evil genius and a hitman who uses elaborate traps to take out his victims. The character has a long history as a foil to the X-Men, and he's often depicted as wearing a white tuxedo or suit. That sure doesn't seem like a coincidence. How many guys walk around in white tuxedos?

We'll likely need to wait for more cryptic photos to find out more. But we've learned a lot about Logan in the past week. We're pretty sure Boyd Holbrook will play the mutant-hating cyborg Donald Pierce, and it definitely seems like the little girl in the official poster will turn out to be the Wolverine clone X-23.

Logan will arrive in theaters March 3, 2017, and Jackman said it will have a "very different tone" than previous installments. Meanwhile, check out the dark side of the X-Men you never knew about.