Good News Just Dropped For Pixar's Soul

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world to its core, and the film industry continues reeling from its many devastating effects. From upcoming projects being postponed or even canceled in some cases to worldwide theater closures, it feels as though it's been millennia since a positive headline about a movie made the rounds. Thankfully for those yearning for a glimmer of hope, Disney just dropped an excitable bit of news concerning one of its upcoming animated titles: the highly anticipated musical comedy Soul, directed by legendary Pixar guru Pete Docter.

Soul carries on the legacy of Pixar's iconic original works like Toy Story and Coco – which should be no sweat with an all-star cast including Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Daveed Diggs, and many more. The film follows a music teacher named Joe Gardner (voiced by Foxx), who's on the cusp of realizing his dream of becoming a renowned jazz artist. However, his big break is put in jeopardy when his soul is separated from his body, sending him on a journey to reunite his two halves. The premise of Soul is very intriguing, and for those who have been awaiting the chance to watch it all unfold, the date they'll get to do so is officially set — for the third and final time.

On October 8, 2020, just over a month before its reshuffled theatrical release, Walt Disney Studios announced via its Twitter page that Soul has been put on the fast track to streaming. Beginning on December 25, 2020 — Christmas day — Pixar's latest project will be available exclusively on Disney+ for all subscribers to view at their leisure.

Soul has endured a difficult road to release

Originally, Soul was meant to debut in theaters on June 19, 2020. However, with a pandemic ravaging the globe and quarantine orders set in place, Disney had no choice but to push the movie's debut to a later time when people could actually go see the movie (at least that was the intention at the time, any way). The company decided that November 20, 2020 would be a feasible debut date — but that soon proved to be a less-than-favorable option since theaters still aren't ready to reopen their doors on a massive scale. Instead of making yet another scheduling change, Disney elected to make the choice many expected from the beginning: skip the cinema altogether.

It's been a long road to finally get here, but at last, Soul found its home — in actual homes all across the world for the holiday season. It's hard to think of a more perfect way to celebrate the end of an otherwise abysmal year than curled up on the couch with the whole family, enjoying a product of Pixar's trademark movie magic.