What Every Justice League Actor Has Said About The Snyder Cut

Justice League is getting a metric ton of hype these days. This is largely thanks to the fact that on May 20, 2020, director Zack Snyder announced that the borderline-mythical Snyder Cut of the movie is real, and will premiere on the just-launched streaming platform HBO Max in 2021.  

The news of the project, which bears the name Zack Snyder's Justice League, has been met with much rejoicing. As you'll remember, Snyder left the production midway through to deal with a family tragedy, and Avengers director Joss Whedon, who completed Justice League, somewhat altered Snyder's original vision. The end result was a critical and commercial disappointment (Justice League wound up being one of the biggest movie flops of 2017), and fans have campaigned for the Snyder Cut's release pretty much ever since. 

It remains to be seen just how much Snyder's version will improve matters, but judging by the comments from the people involved with the movie, we might be in for a serious treat. Let's take a moment to find out what every Justice League actor has said so far about the director's cut.

Ben Affleck is incredibly happy for Zack Snyder

Batman himself (well, the former Batman, since Robert Pattinson will don the cape in 2021's The Batman) was quick to react to the news of the Snyder Cut's release. On May 21, 2020, Ben Affleck took to Twitter with a post celebrating Zack Snyder's Justice Leaguecomplete with the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. 

Later, he recorded a short hype video for Kevin Smith's podcast (via Twitter), praising Snyder and expressing gratitude to the fans who campaigned for the director's vision. "I love Zack and I love his version of the movie, and I look forward to everyone getting a chance to see it," Affleck said, while casually revealing that he has inside information about what the Snyder Cut is like. Guess he likes it. 

Though Batfleck has already given way to Robert Pattinson's take on the Caped Crusader, Affleck's gushing reaction to the announcement isn't exactly a surprise. After all, he already expressed his support for the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement, tweeting the hashtag on the original film's second anniversary in November 2019.

Gal Gadot has a history of supporting the Justice League director's cut

Being arguably the biggest breakout character of Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman is a popular and successful character in her own right. Despite this — and the fact that Gadot doesn't seem to have commented on the latest Snyder Cut news just yet — the actress has been a staunch supporter of the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement in the past. 

In November 2019, Gadot and her Justice League co-stars Affleck and Jason Momoa (Aquaman) joined forces to call for the release of Snyder's version of the superhero flick. Gadot felt strongly enough about the cause to tweet her support, accompanying the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut hashtag with a somber black-and-white picture of herself as Diana Prince. 

The actress later weighed in on the issue during an interview with CinéPop for Wonder Woman 1984 (via CBR). While both Gadot and director Patty Jenkins freely admitted that they haven't seen the Snyder Cut of Justice League, the Wonder Woman actress remained supportive though mildly cynical on whether the version would ever emerge: "I would have loved to see the finished cut of [Zack's], and I hope that one day we'll get to see it, but I don't know." That was only a few months back, in December 2019. Oh, how things have changed.

Jason Momoa is all about the Snyder Cut

Aquaman loves Zack Snyder, and the more people know about it, the better Jason Momoa likes it. Momoa revealed in 2019 that he has actually seen the Snyder Cut of Justice Leagueand according to a post on the big man's Instagram, it's "ssssiiicccckkkkkk."

Along with Gadot and Affleck, Momoa was an active #ReleasetheSnyderCut proponent in 2019. In fact, the actor was already championing the director's cut of Justice League in late 2018, when he claimed that he was "obsessed" with it. Momoa wasn't kidding, seeing as he was still releasing expletive-laden Instagram rants about the subject in May 2020, shortly before the HBO Max deal was announced. 

With that in mind, it probably goes without saying that Momoa is one happy camper about the Snyder Cut of Justice League being released. As he put it on Instagram, "Finally, it's happening. You're welcome. Justice served. All my aloha to everyone who made this happen. All the fans. We love you."  

The Snyder Cut movement reminded Henry Cavill of his beloved mustache

Though Superman actor Henry Cavill played a fairly small (but still pretty significant) role in Justice League, he was responsible for one of its most infamous moments. Cavill was sporting his glorious Mission: Impossible 6 mustache during Justice League reshoots, and the attempts to remove it digitally were ... less than successful. Curiously, this is the reason Cavill didn't want to talk about the Snyder Cut when many of his co-stars demanded its release in 2019. When questioned about his silence in a December 2019 interview with Emmy-winner Jake Hamilton, Cavill replied: "I wouldn't say there's any particular reason. I mean, I miss my mustache — which is the most important thing. And for me, it was just a harrowing reminder that I didn't have it anymore. And so I just didn't want to dig that wound any deeper."

Fortunately, time heals even mustache-shaped hurts, so when Cavill found out about Zack Snyder's Justice League, he joined his colleagues in joy. He also recognized that the whole Snyder Cut thing has been up for some debate. "I know there have been two camps over the whole Snyder Cut thing and whether it will ever happen for a while," the Superman actor wrote on Instagram. "Just remember, we all get to have more Justice League now, it's a win win. So, be nice to each other."

Ezra Miller has maintained radio silence about Zack Snyder's Justice League

Ezra Miller has recently been in hot water due to a video that appears to show the actor choking a female fan in a bar in Reykjavik, Iceland. This alleged incident is obviously a pretty bad look for the Flash actor, whose career has been on a steep rise thanks to high-profile roles in the Fantastic Beasts movies and, of course, the DC Extended Universe. In April 2020, fans launched a petition to remove Miller (who uses they/them pronouns) from their upcoming role as Flash in the character's standalone movie, currently scheduled for 2022. To be fair, the Change.org petition only attracted 890 supporters, so it's unlikely to topple Miller — but still, not the greatest PR situation.    

Perhaps understandably, Miller hasn't been giving too many interviews as of late. Seeing as they don't have any personal social media accounts either, at the time of writing it's anyone's guess how Miller feels about the Snyder Cut of Justice League.

Ray Fisher thought Zack Snyder was pulling his leg about the Justice League director's cut

Ray Fisher, who portrats Victor "Cyborg" Stone in Justice League, is just as familiar with the Snyder Cut as his co-stars, and at least as excited as everyone else. In an interview with TheNiceCast Podcast, Fisher went as far as to say that the news of the upcoming Snyder Cut release "may be the turn around for 2020," since "people need something to look forward to and hope for." If that's not enthusiastic enough for you, he then turned things up to 11: "This is pure jubilation. This is nothing but good."   

The actor's enthusiasm certainly seems to be genuine. As Snyder has told The Hollywood Reporter, Fisher was actually the first Justice League actor who called him back after he sent his cast the news about Zack Snyder's Justice League. According to Snyder, Fisher's reaction was one of sheer disbelief: "You're kidding me, right?" the actor exclaimed.

Ciaran Hinds has been championing the Justice League director's cut since 2018

Ciaran Hinds' role in Justice League was the CGI-heavy villain, Steppenwolf, and even though he didn't play a hero, the actor is just about as pro-Snyder Cut as you can be. Hinds is of the opinion that Zack Snyder's version is far superior to the one that made it in the theaters, and the veteran actor wasn't shy about making that abundantly clear as early as 2018. When photographer Jason Laboy asked Hinds about Justice League at Ace Comic-Con (via Medium), the actor didn't mince words: "That wasn't the movie I worked so hard on. We hope the director's cut comes out because it was better than the movie in the theaters."

Hinds doesn't appear to have commented on the official news of Zack Snyder's Justice League in any way at the time of writing, but then again, does he really need to? The man has made his opinion crystal clear. 

Joe Mangianello teased a cool post-credits scene for the Justice League director's cut

If you missed the post-credits scene of Justice League, you also missed Joe Mangianello, who appeared in a short clip where his character, Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson, joined forces with Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. Before the movie's questionable performance left DCEU in turmoil, Mangianello was even set to face Affleck's Batman in the latter's solo movie — which Affleck eventually dropped out of before it was all handed over to Matt Reeves. But that doesn't necessarily mean we've seen the last of these two together. In fact, Manganiello has teased on Instagram that the Snyder Cut of Justice League is going to include "the original post-credit[s] scene." 

This is potentially interesting because it implies there's more of Manganiello's Deathstroke to be seen. The original post-credits scene might even give us a glimpse of the other villains of the team for which Luthor was recruiting Deathstroke. On the other hand, it's worth noting that Mangianello's Instagram post includes three emojis: crossed swords, a bat, and a skull. This could very well mean that we're about to see the first (and possibly only) meeting between the Justice League versions of Deathstroke and Batman.  

Zack Snyder aims to introduce us to many amazing things in the new version of Justice League

Director Zack Snyder is, as you might assume, very much in favor of the Snyder Cut. He has already mentioned to The Hollywood Reporter that the theatrical cut of Justice League includes only about 25 percent of what he had in mind, and a ton of world-building and characters were left on the cutting room floor. In a post uploaded to his Vero social media profile, Snyder revealed that one character we'll likely see in his version of Justice League is Ryan Choi, a.k.a. the Atom, as portrayed by Orion Lee. Additionally, the director hinted in another Vero post that Harry Lennix's General Swanwick from Man of Steel may make an appearance — and might very well be the shape-shifting Martian Manhunter in disguise.

Perhaps most interestingly, Snyder is introducing us to the Justice League's ultimate enemy, Darkseid (Ray Porter), who was notoriously absent from Justice League in any noteworthy capacity. But these are only early days. Chances are that we'll find out much, much more before Zack Snyder's Justice League arrives on HBO Max in 2021 — and frankly, we can't wait.