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Star Wars Reddit Is Against One Return In The New Sequel Series - And It's Big

The future of the "Star Wars" franchise looks bright, as there are several films currently in development. While "The Mandalorian & Grogu" movie is coming soon, audiences are eager to see what the film set after 2019's "Rise of the Skywalker" has in store for the series. Daisy Ridley is on track to return as Rey in a brand-new solo film, which should explain the fallout of the First Order. And fans on the "Star Wars" fan subreddit are really hoping that future films don't just regurgitate the familiar evil Empire versus ragtag rebellion routine.

"Since the first order and resistance are gone, will there be new empires? If there is a new empire that comes to power, who would their leaders be?" questioned user u/RareContribution5947, adding, "I would imagine since they are planning on [...] more movies to come out in the next years, some sort of empires must rise up." This thread has proven to be popular on the "Star Wars" subreddit, with many expressing disinterest in the idea of the big bads of yesteryear rising up again. "I wish they would do an opposite sort of situation where the good guys have the massive army and resources but the villains are smaller and have to be smarter," wrote u/VenoGreedo, adding that they found the idea of the Empire coming back via the First Order to be unoriginal.

One of the biggest criticisms of the sequel trilogy was how the Empire morphed into the First Order, effectively making the efforts of the Rebellion in the original films to be moot. 

Star Wars fans want more original villains in future films

Hopefully Rey's (Ridley) Jedi Order movie will feature the devious Yuuzhan Vong, which many in the Reddit thread suggested. It remains to be seen who the film's villain is, and if they will manifest in the form of an intergalactic army (like the First Order) or an evil Sith. Some fans seem to have no faith in Lucasfilm, joking that the same villain situation will return to future "Star Wars" films. "Sure, we had the First Order, but what about Second Order?" said u/bcbodie1978. "Just as long as Palpatine somehow returns," added u/randeylahey, pointing out one of the biggest blunders in the sequels.

Ultimately, fans just want to see something new as the franchise expands. Ideally, the stakes would be lower and personal, especially after "Rise of Skywalker" went all-out by bringing back Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). "It'll have to be a smaller scope to allow something to build. My guess would be a previously unknown alien race seeking to overtake the galaxy," suggests u/Satanslittlewizard, hoping to see the new Jedi Order uniting with the dormant Sith to fight a common foe. 

Others, like u/byza089, want something more low-key, with the user writing, "It should be a fractured galaxy. It would be cool if there was a war between the different criminal organisations and it was just a territorial dispute. Rey trying to reinvent the Jedi and bring a new order to help keep the peace."