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Kung Fu Panda: Who Voices Mantis In The Movies & The Show?

Before Po (Jack Black) becomes the Dragon Warrior and thus the main hero of the three — soon-to-be four — "Kung Fu Panda" films, the Valley of Peace is defended by other fierce warriors. Trained by Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) and guided by Grand Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), the Furious Five were the first line of defense before Po came along. Leading the pack is Master Tigress (Angelina Jolie), accompanied by Master Monkey (Jackie Chan), Master Crane (David Cross), Master Viper (Lucy Liu), and the smallest yet equally strong member of the group, Master Mantis.

As the "Kung Fu Panda" saga has unfolded since 2008, multiple actors have taken on the Mantis role. The most prominent and prolific is Seth Rogen of "Knocked Up," "Pineapple Express," and the franchise-spawning "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" fame. He has played Mantis in all of the "Kung Fu Panda" movies released to date and many of the shorts. When he hasn't brought Mantis to life, like on the TV series "Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness," Max Koch has stepped in. He has also shared video game duties with Brian T. Delaney as well.

Unfortunately for fans of Mantis, Rogen, and the Furious Five, it doesn't seem there will be much to write home about when it comes to them in "Kung Fu Panda 4."

Rogen and Mantis may not have the biggest role in Kung Fu Panda 4

It's no secret at this point that a fourth "Kung Fu Panda" feature is on the way to the big screen. The film's trailer reveals that Po and his new companion and the potential new Dragon Warrior, Zhen (Awkwafina), are in for the fight of a lifetime against the villainous Chameleon (Viola Davis). While one might imagine that this is the perfect story for the Furious Five — Seth Rogen's Master Mantis included — to feature prominently alongside Po and Zhen, according to the minds behind the feature, this isn't the case.

During a chat with Collider, director Mike Mitchell hinted that the Furious Five members won't have much to do in the final film because of the story's scope. "They make an appearance, I'll tell you that much. But to be fair, Po is leaving the Valley of Peace and he's going on a huge adventure to this giant city," Mitchell shared. Producer Rebecca Huntley elaborated a bit on the Furious Five's status during an interview with The AU Review, explaining that moviegoers can expect to hear from them, though "They're all off on their own individual missions."

It's too bad Mantis and the rest of the Furious Five won't likely factor into "Kung Fu Panda 4," but at least the film doesn't leave them in the dust entirely. Fans will get to see just how much screen time they all get in the highly anticipated animated sequel when it premieres on March 8.