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The One Hollywood Star Alec Baldwin Won't Share The Screen With

Alec Baldwin has been a household name for decades. An accomplished performer who has worked with the likes of Sydney Lumet, Martin Scorsese, and Spike Lee, Baldwin has over 150 performances under his belt. Still, that doesn't mean that every person he's worked with over the years has left a good impression on the seasoned star.

In fact, there's one person that the actor refuses outright to work with ever again. As recounted by Far Out Magazine, Baldwin told New York Magazine of a negative experience he had while working with Shia LaBeouf on a 2013 play called "Orphans." The two got into a spat after LaBeouf accused Baldwin of not knowing his lines well enough during a rehearsal.

"One day, he attacked me in front of everyone," Baldwin recalled. "He said, "You're slowing me down, and you don't know your lines. And if you don't say your lines, I'm just going to keep saying my lines." Though the long-time performer said that he had been warned that LaBeouf could be difficult to work with, it seems that he was not prepared for how badly he got on with his co-star.

Alec Baldwin did not enjoy his time working with Shia LaBeouf

Alec Baldwin went on to explain how taken aback he was at Shia LaBeouf's outburst. "We all sat, frozen," he continued. "I snorted a bit, and, turning to him in front of the whole cast, I asked, 'If I don't say my words fast enough, you're going to just say your next line?' I said. 'You realize the lines are written in a certain order?' He just glared at me," the "Beetlejuice" star recalled. 

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of the strife between the two performers, as Shia LaBeouf subsequently dropped out of the project altogether. This caused Baldwin to refer to him as something like a celebrity chef, with the implication seeming to be that though LaBeouf showed up for the gig, he wasn't ready to commit fully to the play.

"Some of the greatest movie stars had really serious theatre careers and still do," he explained. "And many film actors, though, who are purely film actors, they're kind of like celebrity chefs, you know what I mean?" For his part, LaBeouf was equally critical of Baldwin, citing comments from an email sent by director Daniel Sullivan that he had received with regard to the performer, suggesting that it was Baldwin who was underprepared.

Things only got worse from there between Baldwin and LaBeouf

To wit, Shia LaBeouf shared the email on Twitter, which is currently changing to X, as well as his response to Baldwin. "I'm a hustler. I don't get tired," "I'm 26, chief," quipped the "Transformers" star. "Listen, boy. I'm not your f***in' chief," Baldwin said back to him in reply. "You got that? Ha. Hahahahaha. Let's go." The full exchange was also shared by LaBeouf on Twitter, and Baldwin was very critical of the younger actor's move.

"I can tell you that, in all honesty, I don't think he's in a good position to be giving interpretations of what the theatre is and what the theatre isn't," Baldwin told Vulture. "I mean, he was never in the theatre. He came into a rehearsal room for six or seven days."

Regardless of who is in the right here, one thing seems certain: fans should not expect to see Baldwin and LaBeouf sharing the stage again, let alone the screen, especially when you consider that the situation doesn't seem to have been resolved.