CSI: Vegas Has Given Mandeep Dhillon A Whole New Perspective On Death

Crime shows have always presented a pretty grim version of the human condition, and the "Crime Scene Investigation" franchise is really no exception. The job of a writer, director, or actor working on these types of series is to present these dark stories and find enough variations on them that they can tell a continuing story. It's understandable that by frequently revisiting such dark themes, they can be left with a changed perspective, for better or worse.

Mandeep Dhillon, who plays Allie Rajan on "CSI: Vegas," admitted as much while speaking with Fox49 in a video interview. "It's definitely made me look at death in a different way," she said. "I'm not very good with death, or blood, or gore, or anything like that. Having to be okay and not be sick in between takes, I'm growing in that way."

Granted, Dhillon doesn't have to deal with real dead bodies, real blood and gore, or real crimes. For as impressive as the set design and special effects are on these kinds of shows, ultimately all she or the other members of the "CSI: Vegas" cast have in front of them is ultimately nothing more than red corn syrup and various forms of realistic prosthetics. Still, working on the series has left her with a changed perspective on a variety of topics.

Dhillon thinks the real CSI are amazing

While Mandeep Dhillon has found herself with a different perspective thanks to her work on "CSI: Vegas," she has also grown to find herself quite impressed by real-life forensic investigators. "These people are amazing," she continued. "The people who actually do CSI — like, do the real job — are amazing. And I take my hat off to them." Dhillon's "CSI: Vegas" co-star, Matt Lauria, who was also being interviewed by Fox49, seemed to agree. "It's just such a vital job that we rely on so wholeheartedly, you know, in society, in our culture," said Lauria. 

Even with that respect, Lauria seems to identify with Dhillon's comments about how being on "CSI: Vegas" changes one's perspective. In his case, however, it's the demands of the role itself that sticks with him. The filming schedule can be grueling, and the actors have to rattle off some very specific lingo while looking like they know what they're talking about — which, as Lauria has admitted elsewhere, he often doesn't, despite appearances. "And so, in that way... the energy that the show requires, and the energy of the job at hand that's being depicted on the show, I think that energy kind of animates you and ignites something in you that... You know, you have to lean into it," Lauria said.