This Impractical Jokers' Punishment Had Joe Gatto Afraid For His Life

Joe Gatto is not only one of the least punished of the "Impractical Jokers" cast but is also one of the show's most bulletproof. As a result, his punishments are amongst the most entertaining to watch, as his lack of shame makes for some of the most unpredictable moments on the show. But that doesn't mean the comedian hasn't had his moments of weakness.

On an After Party Web Chat in 2015, Gatto was asked if he was afraid during the motorcycle club exposé punishment from Season 4. Gatto answers the question: "Yes, I was afraid for my life at the motorcycle club punishment." For Gatto, his understanding of such a crowd made the encounter even more anxiety-inducing. "I'm from the streets," Gatto continued. "But still, I couldn't handle that room. That room was the streets in a room ... And those guys were not having it."

From being forced to compare himself to his dog to having to criticize parents on their child-raising skills, Joe Gatto has had his fair share of moments where a punishment was even too much for him. But none of that compares to what Gatto endured with this rough and tough bunch.

Joe wasn't the only one on edge during the motorcycle club punishment

Joe Gatto's punishment in the episode "Uncool and the Gang" delivered one of the most cringe-inducing moments in the show's history. In the episode, Gatto is tasked with giving a surprise interview to a motorcycle gang with a series of increasingly awkward questions.

The strained situation that follows is the stuff of nightmares. The tension in the room grows evermore thick as Gatto continues asking question after question, including such gems as asking the group what their favorite crime is, what's their favorite song by Katy Perry and even asks one of them why his friends refer to him as "the tattler." It isn't helped by the fact that Gatto continuously refers to the group as a "gang" rather than their preferred title as a "club."

The stomach-churning punishment not only brought Gatto and the other Jokers to a cold sweat but also caused concern among fans. The YouTube upload of the moment contains comments from such worried viewers who say, " ... this made me scared ... I felt Joe was going to be killed." Others noted how nerve-wracking the punishment was, with one viewer commenting, "You know that when even Joe gets nervous, the situation is real tense."

Gatto may have left the series in 2021 to focus on his family, but memories such as these will last a lifetime.