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Did Gwyneth Paltrow Just Spoil Avengers 4?

Gwyneth Paltrow: Actress, singer, published writer, mother, and now, Marvel movie secret-revealer. 

Speaking in an interview with Titan Publishing's Official Avengers: Infinity War magazine, Paltrow, who portrays Pepper Potts (say that three times fast) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, may have spilled a major spoiler for Avengers 4

The actress opened up about her character's relationship with Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark (better known as Iron Man), her fiancé who tells her at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War that he had a dream she was pregnant. In the film, Pepper basically brushes Tony's comment aside, neither confirming nor denying whether she's actually expecting before Tony jets off to the cosmos to battle Josh Brolin's Thanos. 

Paltrow, on the other hand, wasn't coy or reserved in the slightest. She seemingly asserted that Pepper not only survived Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet snap that killed half the universe's population, but that she's also with child.

"Pepper and Tony have had a real long journey together. She obviously starts as his dutiful assistant, and then the relationship evolves, and now this decade later they're married, and they have a child," Paltrow relayed (via Twitter). "Their relationship has evolved in all of the ways that great romances evolve."

It's worth exploring Paltrow's phrasing that Pepper and Tony "have a child," as that could either mean she's pregnant in Avengers 4 or that she has already given birth to their son or daughter. If fans choose to go with the latter, that means Avengers 4 will pick up after a major time jump of around nine months or so, assuming Pepper isn't all that far along in her apparent pregnancy in Infinity War

Considering how protective Marvel is over its films and their plot details (Avengers series installments especially), it's pretty baffling how Paltrow's remarks here went through multiple rounds of editing and proofreading with Titan and got signed off with both the studio and parent company Disney before publication. However, her comments do paint a heartwarming picture for the couple who have been through so much and present a possible positive ending for the pair, with Tony potentially retiring to spend more time with Pepper and the baby after Avengers 4. Let's just hope that's the conclusion we get, and not the Tony-and-his-son-die-together one as seen in the Marvel Comics canon. 

We'll know for sure what Gwyneth Paltrow's mention of Pepper's secret bun in the oven entails when Avengers 4 arrives on May 3, 2019.