James Gunn Knows Some People Are Going To Hate His DC Studios Vision

It's been all eyes on James Gunn since he and Peter Safran were tapped as the new heads of DC Studios (per THR). According to The Hollywood Reporter, the pair scrapped plans for a third "Wonder Woman" film yesterday, and fans have a lot of opinions about it. Regarding a tweet from "Wonder Woman" star Gal Gadot from the day before the news broke, @cosmiczorel retweeted it, asking "do you think this tweet reminded james gunn about wonder woman 3 and he went 'nah let me shut that down' the next day." A few fans like @2TChalla2Stan and @VegasBabyKJ created a meme of posting gifs of disinterested people with a caption suggesting it was showing James Gunn while Patty Jenkins tried to pitch "Wonder Woman 3." Some fans were slightly more optimistic, such as u/ClassicT4 in the r/DC_Cinematic subreddit, who suggested that Gunn might now come forward and announce that "Wonder Woman 3" was canceled in favor of an Atlantis vs. Amazons crossover film.

For Gunn's sake, he's urging fans to take any reports with a grain of salt, tweeting, "As for the story yesterday in the Hollywood Reporter, some of it is true, some of it is half-true, some of it is not true, & some of it we haven't decided yet whether it's true or not." There's a lot to unpack about that, but it would seem to suggest that the reports of the death of "Wonder Woman 3" are a bit premature. Gunn went on to tweet some choice words for fans about his upcoming plans for the DCU.

James Gunn is more interested in serving the story than making every fan happy

James Gunn continued to tweet after partially denying the reports about "Wonder Woman 3," going on to tweet a longer thread about his and Peter Safran's vision for the DCU going forward. He was very clear that not everyone is going to like what's to come. "We know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the STORY & in the service of the DC CHARACTERS we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives," Gunn tweeted.

Fans had different interpretations of Gunn's tweet, such as @brockbuster_ who tweeted "This is James Gunn telling us that the Zack Snyder era is over. The cult bros are going to have a meltdown." Another user, @joits, took this as a rebuke to Snyder fans as well. Meanwhile, @_MatthewDHunt_ had one of the more sensible takes on Twitter, saying "Seeing Gunn rise throughout the years I highly doubt he would do anything knowingly to diminish DC and its stable of incredible characters, in fact I believe he will revitalize the franchise and do justice to the stories and characters."

For now, the Twitter-sphere seems to be abuzz with drama that's mostly born out of idle speculation. Until Gunn and Safran officially announce the direction that the DCU is going to take going forward, all the opinions about it are just a lot of noise.