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Fans Are Loving Stella And Severide Teaming Up In Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 6

Fans of the romantic union of Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) and Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney), aka "Stellaride," on "Chicago Fire" have had much reason to celebrate lately. After enduring a few rough waves, the Stellaride ship finally landed upon holy matrimony when the two officially got married last season. And while we probably shouldn't expect Stella and Severide to welcome children just yet, fans did get a glimpse at their parental instincts in the Season 11 Episode, "Haunted House." It's clear that their romantic bond is as strong as ever. However, we have to wonder, how is their work relationship going?

According to the following episode, "All-Out Mystery," the duo is still able to show why professionally, they're two of the best to ever come out of Firehouse 51. "All-Out Mystery" packs in some notable storylines that had fans glued to their seats. Everything turns a bit emotional concerning Cruz and his wife Chloe's attempt to adopt the orphan Javi legally. Meanwhile, the mood lightens as some of the Firehouse 51 crew tries to figure out the enigmatic Sam Carver (Jake Lockett). The attempt to unravel Carver surprisingly leads to a bar brawl. But at the center of "All-Out Mystery" is some much-needed sleuthing from Stella and Severide on an arson case. And fans on Twitter couldn't get enough of it.

Stellaride partnered up for an arson investigation

An explosion at a jewelry store comes off as fishy enough to involve an investigation of arson from Firehouse 51. Kelly Severide is initially put on the case, and through some persuasion, Stella Kidd partners up with him. Honestly, Stella's suggestion that she's good at working arson cases isn't that convincing. But that doesn't stop Severide from agreeing to let her help. "Chicago Fire" fans on Twitter were, of course, all for it as they expressed their excitement. "Stellaride working an arson together?!?!? YES PLEASE," @MeetUsatMollys tweeted. And @FabulousMomMeee shared in that sentiment, adding, "YESSSS STELLARIDE. D*** better partner. The best partner. [fire emoji]"

While many were just happy seeing the two work together, what makes it all effective is just how well they perform on the case. As one fan noted, Stella readily supports Severide's theories and gut feelings. Also, their chemistry in this setting reminds us of some of our favorite TV detective pairings. For instance, in one scene, Severide explains to Stella that their goal is to ask the jewelry store owner some questions calmly. 

However, Stella's temper flares when the owner coldly accuses them of trashing his store. With his brow raised, Severide shoots a look at Stella that says, "Really?" This leads to a comedic moment that feels more like Benson and Stabler from "Law & Order: SVU." Perhaps @pintayin summed up the scene and the overall pairing best by tweeting, "Best partners in crime #stellaride."