Doctor Who Fans Extend Their Gratitude To Mandip Gill After The Power Of The Doctor

In addition to Jodie Whittaker being the first woman to play the role of The Doctor on "Doctor Who," her era saw a few other firsts as well. Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) has the unique distinction of being one of the few companions to appear in the same Doctor's first and last episodes. Additionally, according to The Guardian, Gill played the Doctor's first full-time Asian companion.

In an interview with Empire, Gill explained how close she had become with co-star Whittaker, to the extent that she isn't quite sure how to move on without her. "It's like, where do you go from this?" Gill said to Empire. "We're friends forever now. It is epic. We've had such an amazing time that now, I would expect to go on set and find best mates, but it's not going to be like that. Because we like to do everything together! We eat lunch together! What if no one lets me in their trailer?!" Indeed, most Doctors have a completely new companion by the end of their run, so it's hardly surprising that Gill and Whittaker have built up such a rapport in the time they've worked together. As for her future, Gill told The Guardian that she wants to start playing characters closer to her own age, as in the play "2:22 A Ghost Story" that she starred in after production wrapped on "Doctor Who."

But, in honor of the end of her run on the long-running British science-fiction series, Gill posted a behind-the-scenes picture of herself and Whittaker, and fans rushed in to thank her for her time as The Doctor's companion.

Let's not say goodbye

In a behind-the-scenes post showing herself and Jodie Whittaker in front of a green screen, Mandip Gill bid fans of "Doctor Who" a fond farewell in an Instagram post on the day her final episode, "The Power of the Doctor," aired. "And the best part about it all is 'nobody else got to be us,'" Gill wrote. "[T]hank you to every single person behind the camera, infront and watching for the best five years ever ! I never thought I'd say this, but I hope I'm followed by Doctors and Daleks for the rest of my life. 'Let's not say goodbye.'"

Many offered their thanks and congratulations for a job well done, including Russell T. Davies, who revived the show in 2005 and now returns as showrunner following Whittaker's departure. "Wonderful! Congratulations and much love," wrote Davies. The official "Doctor Who" Instagram also stopped in to thank Gill for her work on the show. Other fans expressed heartfelt wishes, including user @jackie.grayx, who wrote "Tonight's episode has broken me, but only because of all of the joy this era has brought." While most of the well-wishers had positive things to say, one user, @misunderstood_scot, expressed regret that The Doctor and Yaz never kissed, as a romantic subplot had been building up between them for several episodes.

Users on Twitter were similarly choked up for Gill. "Mandip Gill take a bow," wrote Twitter user @mag_lex while sharing a scene of Gill crying in her final episode. "IM A MESS i miss jodie and mandip so much already," wrote @noraxswynonna. While many fans have already moved on to the excitement of the episode's shocking ending, others are still paying a wistful goodbye to one of The Doctor's most faithful companions.