Kelli Giddish Has A Least Favorite Type Of Law & Order: SVU Undercover Role For A Relatable Reason

The latest season of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" kicked off with a big crossover event, but the drama doesn't end there. Plenty of officers have come and gone since the series premiered more than two decades ago, but this season fans will have to say goodbye to a character that's been on the show since 2013. After joining the cast of "Law & Order: SVU" in 2011, Kelli Giddish's time as Detective Amanda Rollins will soon be coming to an end (via Variety). According to the same source, the character's exit was not Giddish's choice but a decision made by the powers that be at NBC.

Now that we finally know which episode of "Law & Order: SVU" will be her last, viewers can take some time to reminisce about the Giddish's formidable stint on the show. As we've come to learn, Rollins is strong-willed and flawed, but she's also one of the most intuitive investigators the department's ever seen. Fans of the show will recall that it's not uncommon for Rollins to go undercover from time to time. Although Rollins doesn't have many opportunities left to go incognito, the actress who portrays her has voiced her opinion on her least favorite type of undercover role, and her reasoning makes complete sense. 

Kelli Giddish wishes Rollins' undercover personas would dress for the weather

During her tenure as Detective Amanda Rollins, Kelli Giddish has assumed a number of identities. She's been a hard-boiled private investigator, a suave Southern bombshell, and everything in between. Although going undercover gives the actors an opportunity to explore a different facet of their character, putting on a facade does have its downsides. In a recent cast interview, Giddish admitted that she dreads the episodes that require Rollins to go undercover in frigid conditions.

"Anytime I have to be in a skirt and it's 30 degrees, I'm not appreciative of the undercover role," Giddish said with a chagrined smile (via YouTube). Spending long hours on set wearing a flimsy costume doesn't exactly sound like the best work day. Especially during New York winters, which can get pretty chilly (via Climate Data). Perhaps the costume department on "Law & Order: SVU" should take the hint and have a few more jackets on hand.

Whether or not Rollins goes undercover again before her departure, the character will certainly be remembered fondly for her dedication to the squad. Viewers will just have to wait and see what's in store for Detective Rollins as Season 24 moves forward.