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Why The Armie Hammer Docuseries House Of Hammer Is Being Edited After Its Release

The following article includes mentions of domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Actor Armie Hammer initially became known as a promising actor with notable film roles to his credit. The actor appeared in films such as "Call Me By Your Name" and "The Lone Ranger." He could have also potentially found himself donning a cape in the DC Extended Universe if rumors of a "Shazam" role or George Miller's Justice League project had panned out. However, Hammer's career is now struggling to survive as horrid allegations of assault from the actor have surfaced.

And it appears that a new docuseries from Discovery+ is only going to make things worse for Hammer. In "House of Hammer," the three-part series attempts to examine the allegations against Hammer through some of his alleged victims. It also provides an in-depth look into the tragic and abusive history of the Hammer family. However, while the docuseries aims to provide its most honest take on the allegations levied against Hammer, it appears that fresh after its premiere, some necessary changes to "House of Hammer" will occur. In light of recent information, the producers of the docuseries are making one crucial change.

Producers are removing an image of an alleged bite mark

According to Variety, an image of a bite mark shown in "House of Hammer" is being removed after significant questioning from viewers on social media. During the docuseries, Hammer's former partner, Courtney Vucekovich, believes that one of the images shown is of an alleged bite mark on her body from Hammer. However, Variety reported that the image in question has apparently been traced back to Pinterest and may actually instead be a picture of a random bite mark tattoo. As a result, Talos Films has stated that they will edit out the image, but they remain firm in supporting Vucekovich's account of her traumatic time with Hammer and the accounts from his other accusers.

In the docuseries, Vucekovich details some of the abuse she experienced during her relationship with Hammer, including coercion in engaging in sexual acts that made her feel uncomfortable, including Hammer biting her and leaving marks on her body. Vucekovich recently said to People Magazine that she believes the questioned image was sent to her from Hammer in a flood of other text messages, photos, and videos, some depicting Hammer's abuse of her body. Talos Films hasn't revealed when they will officially remove the image from "House of Hammer," although, via Variety, the company promised to make the edit as soon as possible.

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).