Biggest Unanswered Questions In Supernatural

"Supernatural" made history as the longest-running genre show in TV history. The show amassed 15 seasons of plotlines and dozens upon dozens of characters that fans care about through what feels like a revolving door of death and apocalypses. Yet shockingly, in the show's whopping 327 episodes, most of the storylines are addressed and tied up.

At the beginning of the series, "Supernatural" took a monster-of-the-week approach, tackling different folklore and mythology with each episode. Sure, each season had an overarching big bad and a battle, but much of the show's episodes felt like mini-movies. By Season 4, "Supernatural" introduced more connected episodes that dive deep into the struggle between heaven and hell. Of course, Sam and Dean Winchester still travel the US (and occasionally Canada) for filler episodes and one-off monster hunts, but the main storyline still prevails.

With this episodical and season-wide structure that frequently has per-episode closure, it's easy for writers to tie up loose endings. Still, that doesn't necessarily mean that everything is tied together nicely with a bow. By the end of "Supernatural," a hefty number of questions remain open-ended. Here are some of the most prominent "Supernatural" questions that will plague fans forever.

What happened to the Antichrist?

Way before Satan's son Jack was ever a blip on the radar, "Supernatural" introduced fans to a half-mortal and half-demon child affectionately known by the demon community as the "Antichrist." In a moment where "Supernatural" went way too far, a human woman gets possessed and magically impregnated by a demon, resulting in his birth. While it's understandable that the show might want to distance themselves from this Season 5 plotline, "Supernatural" establishes that Jesse Turner is all-powerful — and the demons were banking on him being Lucifer's most potent weapon in the apocalypse.

Yet this young kid is just about the most intelligent character in the entire show. Jesse nopes out from either side of the war, rejecting the demons' plan and bowing out of the Winchesters' martyr mission, never to be seen or heard from again. With a character this powerful, it's surprising he never shows up during any of the series' most significant battles, but who can blame the kid? 

It becomes apparent by Season 12 that the writers likely had a much more substantial role for the Antichrist when Satan's son Jack enters the picture. Jack is also referred to as the Antichrist on more than one occasion, and his powers are downright godly. Yet fans can't help but wonder what the original is up to.

Was Ben really Dean's biological kid?

Let's talk about Lisa Braeden's AC/DC-loving kid Ben. In Season 3, we meet Dean's ex-girlfriend Lisa and her son — whose age (plus nine months) just so happens to match up with her relationship with Dean. The kid is the spitting image of the elder Winchester brother, and he even has a similar approach to smooth-talking women. It's only natural that Dean questions Lisa on whether or not Ben is his son. 

At the end of Season 5, Dean rekindles his romance with Lisa following Sam's vacation in hell. At that point, Dean takes on the role of Ben's father figure, and paternity doesn't really matter. Yet all hunter relationships must end, either in a blaze of glory or a fiery breakup. To save Lisa from Dean's supernatural drama, he asks Cas to wipe both of their memories. Through it all, we never definitively discover if Ben is Dean's biological son.

It's not as pressing of a question until after Dean's death, though. Plenty of fans were furious over Dean's premature demise during the ending of "Supernatural" because Dean dreamt of a hunting-free life on some level. Despite his bravado, Dean has demonstrated how good he is with kids since the Season 1 episode "Dead in the Water." It would be nice to know if Dean's legacy is genetically carried on like Sam's is. But moreover, Ben deserves to know about Dean Winchester and what he sacrificed to give Ben a better life — whether he is his biological son or not. 

What's the deal with these monsters with loose ends?

It's no secret that Sam and Dean Winchester have made plenty of enemies during their tenures as hunters. Many of their enemies are monsters who deserve to get hunted down, but sometimes, the brothers get trigger-happy and hunt down beings who don't deserve to die. Take Amy Pond, Sam's kitsune childhood friend who opts to work in a morgue to feed on the pituitary glands she and her son need to survive.

Yet when her son gets sick, she feeds him live humans, and Dean doesn't take kindly to this. Despite Dean's hypocrisy in forgiving his friends for plenty of kills, Dean ganks Amy, and her son swears revenge after Dean promises to come back if the kid ever decides to pick up where his mom left off. He's not the only young monster left up in the air, though.

In Season 4, Dean and Sam assist a hunter named Travis with a hunt for a rugaru named Jack — monsters born human who undergo a physiological change that turns them into cannibals. Though the Winchesters try to give Jack a chance, he lunges at Sam, signing his death warrant. However, what the Winchesters don't know is that Jack's wife is pregnant, and history is likely to repeat itself. It's unknown whether or not Jack's wife decided to keep the baby, but if she did, there will be another little rugaru running around in a few decades.

Does Jack reinstate the alternate universes?

Having a reset button in the form of an all-knowing 4-year-old God sounds like a fever dream, but that's just "Supernatural." Going from Lucifer's love child to the omnipotent God of the entire multiverse is a lot to put on a toddler's plate, but hey — magic. 

By the penultimate episode of "Supernatural," Jack has restored our Dean and Sam's Earth to its regularly scheduled dysfunction. Yet the Winchesters' central universe isn't the only world fans (and the characters) encounter throughout the series. "Supernatural" introduces a chaotic multiverse born out of Chuck's (aka God's) boredom. Between the apocalypse world and a hipster Sam and Dean, we've seen it all. 

However, even before the final season, allies like alternate universe Bobby and Charlie seek refuge in Sam and Dean's world. Yet we never find out if Jack has restored everything in the multiverse. Moreover, what happens to the refugee characters once they die in our world? Do we have multiple Charlies and Bobbys running around in Sam and Dean's heaven, or do they somehow end up back in their universe's heaven? Given that we've come to know and love these alternate universe characters, it would be nice to have a better handle on their fates — and afterlives. 

Who was Sam's wife?

There's something poetic about centering Sam Winchester's flash-forward scenes on Sam and his son Dean (cue the waterworks). However, this leaves Sam's wife a zoomed-out mystery. The show's finale faced a few rewrites during the pandemic (via EW) — like nixing the Kansas cameo and having a slew of familiar faces hang out at Heaven's Roadhouse. With that in mind, it's not abundantly clear whether or not Sam's unclear wife was an actual choice or a product of unavoidable circumstances.

There's a moment when fans see Sam's wife standing on a porch, and she kind of looks like Sam's on-again-off-again love interest Eileen. The scene could be the writers' attempt to keep things open to fan imagination, or it could have intentionally implied that Sam and Eileen settled down together at some point — even if they couldn't get Shoshannah Stern for the episode. While it didn't seem like Eileen was ready to throw in the hunting towel, there's nothing like a good ol' apocalypse post-resurrection to put things into perspective. 

If the show wanted to bring back Stern for a definitive ending for the pair, they could have had Sam or Dean Jr. sign to each other during their goodbye scene to make the implication stronger. Another option was putting in a whole family picture instead of just Sam and Dean Jr. The lack of photos or tangible homages to Eileen makes the intentionally vague ending more likely. Still, fans are dying to know who Sam ended up with — and if Sam and his wife even stayed together.

Does Dean return Castiel's love confession in heaven?

Just say the word "Despair" and "Supernatural" fans embody the emotion of the Season 15 episode. During the aptly-titled installment, fans are helpless when Castiel sacrifices himself in a moment of true happiness that takes the form of a love confession to Dean. After telling Dean that the hunter changed him and made him fall in love with humanity, he confesses his love to Dean — but he wants what he can't have. Cas makes the astute observation that happiness isn't in the having but in simply being.

With that, we lose Cas to the Empty as Dean sinks to the floor in despair. Dean never has the chance to respond, whether to reciprocate or to say, "I love you like a brother." The scene is particularly difficult for fans who have felt queer-baited since Castiel's arrival. Between the longing glances, not to mention the near love confessions, it's hard to argue that there isn't something romantic between the two. Beyond that, Dean's prayers to Cas sound like love confessions in their own right, not to mention that both of them act like distraught widows when the other dies in some of the saddest moments on "Supernatural."

Yet fans get no closure on this arc from Dean. He bolts up the stairs when Lucifer trolls him with Cas' voice on the phone, implying that Dean at least doesn't feel weird about the confession. Though Bobby has a throwaway line that Cas helped Jack rebuild heaven, that's the extent of Castiel-related closure. Are Dean and Cas ever reunited? Is Dean ever able to return Cas' confession? It looks like fans will just have to consult fanfiction for that answer.

Did the Bloodlines families go to war?

"Supernatural" went through more than its fair share of spinoff ideas, but only two received backdoor pilots: "Wayward Sisters" and "Bloodlines." While "Wayward Sisters" lives on through its core characters appearing on the main show after the spinoff didn't happen, the plotline for "Bloodlines" vanished. The self-titled Season 9 episode introduces the concept of five monster families running Chicago, but oddly enough, the Winchesters have never heard so much as a whisper of this monster mafia.

Dean sums up the situation best, asking, "What is this, 'Godfather' with fangs?" The episode does an okay enough job of getting fans to at least minimally care about some of the introduced characters, though the concept received lackluster enthusiasm from fans and critics alike. It lacks the action Dean's summary promises, and we never hear from these characters or this plotline again.

Given that the episode ends with the implication of a five-family monster war, it doesn't make much sense that these characters wouldn't fall on the Winchesters' radar again. Sure, they promise to send seasoned hunters, but this seems like a big enough job to warrant a revisit. Though the episode doesn't quite meet its potential, we lowkey want to find out if Violet and David can work out their starcrossed lovers snafu.

Does Kevin's spirit make it to heaven?

There's no rest for Kevin Tran. Hasn't this poor kid been through enough? When Kevin entered the "Supernatural" picture during Season 7, no one expected the teenager to have a happy ending. Kevin joins the scene as a chosen prophet, and throughout his tenure on the show, he's been tortured, pursued by demons and angels alike, watched his mom sell her soul to save him, and is ultimately killed by the angel Gadreel. Shockingly, the teen survived until Season 9, but the kid can't catch a break even after his death.

Before fans definitively discovered that Chuck is, in fact, God, he promised to send Kevin's soul up to Heaven so the prophet can finally rest. So, what does God do instead? Oh, Chuck just throws Kevin's soul into Hell — very on-brand for the guy.

In Season 15, Kevin's ghost finds the Winchesters when Chuck releases all of Hell's souls. Apparently, souls that have been in Hell can never enter the gates of Heaven. However, we know there are plenty of Winchester-related loopholes on that particular rule, given that John, Dean, and Sam have all taken their own siestas in the depths of Hell. Yet the last we see of Kevin comes early in Season 15 when he chooses to remain a ghost haunting Earth, which will no doubt turn him into a vengeful spirit. Hey, Jack, can you maybe do something about this?

Does Jack revamp Purgatory?

We spend 15 seasons of "Supernatural" learning (and relearning) alongside Dean Winchester that not all monsters are evil. People (and monsters) can't change what family they're born into — the Winchesters should know this better than anyone. Despite monsters like the vampire Lenore, who refuse to hurt anyone, all monsters go to Purgatory. As fans discover in Season 8, Purgatory royally sucks. There's no cosmic train station waiting area or other symbolism that would mark an in-between place. In some ways, Purgatory is just as bad as Hell.

It doesn't matter if a monster never killed anything their entire life. If they die, they go to Purgatory — which is basically a gladiator hell dimension for monsters. Even werewolf do-gooder Garth will end up there someday unless something changes. It's kill or be killed in Purgatory's barren forest, and there's no rest for the wicked.

By the end of "Supernatural," fans know that Chuck's primary interest is self-entertainment — and that he enjoys torture more than the demons he pretends to despise. Yet we see Jack take on the reigns as God at the show's end, and he alters Heaven for humans. So what about Purgatory? Will good-intentioned monsters get a chance at Heaven? Or will Purgatory get split into two sections? Will monsters get an opportunity to earn their place in paradise like in "The Good Place"? Hopefully, Jack will step in to correct this flawed system and rescue monsters like Benny who deserve better.

Does Jack improve the Empty?

Similar to Purgatory, angels and demons in the Empty get a pretty raw deal. Now, many of the angels fans meet throughout the show are actually pretty unlikeable, and some have proven themselves to be even worse than Lucifer's demonic creations. Still, like Purgatory, the Empty doesn't discriminate between its inhabitants. Whether you're an angel who tries to do the right thing like Castiel or even a demon like Meg who grows to want to help the world rather than burn it down, all angels and demons face the same fate: endless torture.

Demons and angels alike are forced into an eternal slumber where they relive their worst memories on repeat. Ironically, this particular punishment most significantly tortures the demons and angels with the most humanity. A painful memory won't phase you unless you actually care about something. And if you care about something, redemption is possible.

We discover through Heaven Bobby that Jack rescues Cas from the Empty, but what about the other demons or angels that deserve a better final resting place after doing the right thing? With all the power in the universe, Jack can alter Purgatory and the Empty to be a fairer afterlife system, just like he does with Heaven. But does he?

Does Adam get restored to Earth or Heaven?

Whether Adam is trapped in Hell for eternity or smote by God himself, it seems that Sam and Dean's youngest brother will never quite shake his title as the forgotten Winchester. Fans wondered for years why the Winchesters let him rot in Lucifer's cage with barely an afterthought. So when Jake Abel appeared in Season 15, fans expected some closure for the character who couldn't catch a break.

In Season 15, Adam and the archangel Michael have become like brothers in their own right, opting to share Adam's body, which they agree to relinquish control over. Of course, Chuck comes back to screw everything up. God spares Dean and Sam from his Thanos-like power grab when he decimates all of humanity with a snap of his fingers. Adam isn't so (un)lucky. Like the rest of the population, God dusts Adam's soul, but since Michael shares his body, Adam's body makes it through the smiting, and Michael survives.

Later, Michael meets his fiery demise when Chuck explodes his body. Yet, in the penultimate episode of the series, Jack becomes God and restores all of the obliterated people. As usual, no one seems to care what happened to Adam. Given that Adam's body survived God's initial smiting, it's unclear if Jack restored him (and his body) along with the rest of the obliterated world or if Adam finally earned his place in heaven. Either way, it would be nice to know if he and Sam had a relationship on Earth or if he patched things up with his family in heaven.

How does Rowena change Hell in the long run?

Let's face it: Hell has needed a woman's touch for eons. With Rowena at the helm as the queen of Hell, Jack doesn't even need to step in to make Hell a little less abysmal. It's not just the souls in Hell that she has her finger on. Rowena also gives new rules and regulations to demons, nixing their favorite hobby of making demon deals with moronic humans. Under Rowena's reign, no humans are damning their souls for eternity for a short-lived perk they'll have before taking a crispy one-way trip to Hell.

Yet by the end of the show, we only see a glimpse of what happens to Rowena after she gives Hell a makeover. The once villain has long since learned to care for others more than her own selfishness, so what does that mean for Hell and its residents who deserve endless torture? Given Rowena's newfound humanity, does she ever try to bring her demon son Crowley back from the dead? Jack kind of owes her for the whole saving the world thing she does at the beginning of Season 15. Self-sacrifice deserves some perks.