Kevin Smith's Plan To Kickstart A New DC Cinematic Universe Actually Makes A Ton Of Sense

The DC film universe is currently in something of a state of upheaval. While projects such as "Black Adam," "Shazam!: Fury of the Gods," and "The Flash" (in spite of lead Ezra Miller's numerous problems with the law) all seem good to go at the newly-merged Warner Bros./Discovery conglomerate, other projects have been shelved. It seems that everyone in the world has an opinion about what should be done with movies such as "Batgirl," which has been shelved and will not be released in the wake of the merger.

Comic book-loving (and comic book store-owning) director Kevin Smith is no stranger to the world of superheroes. He turned his iconic Jay and Silent Bob characters from the "Clerks" universe into the superhero team "Bluntman and Chronic," two characters that have popped up multiple times in his universe. Per ABC News Radio Online, he even named his daughter after DC anti-heroine Harley Quinn. Ergo, if you want some fresh opinions about the DC Universe, turning to him for some thoughts on rebooting the DC Extended Universe is a fairly wise idea. Smith's ideas for refreshing the DC film universe may not be shocking, but they might be just what the franchise needs.

For Smith, it all starts with Superman

During an edition of his "Fatman Beyond" podcast, Kevin Smith broke down the way he'd change the DC Extended Universe, and for him, it all starts with Superman. "If I'm a smart businessperson and they give me the DC Universe to play with, first thing I'd do is Superman, because there's your Jesus," he said. "You get that right, everything else would be f***ing easy. " Smith promptly contrasted Batman with Superman and pointed out that while anyone with enough money and technical prowess could be Batman, no one in the world can be Superman. 

Smith continued comparing Superman to Jesus Christ, adding, "Superman gives you something to aspire to, something you can't really be the way that some religious people or the spiritual look to Jesus. They'll never be Jesus, but look at him, he's this great, model savior. [..] Superman's just got a better outfit than Jesus." Smith then added while Jesus' roster of enemies is somewhat more limited than Superman's, the Man of Steel has hundreds of villains for writers to play about with.

But Superman wouldn't be Smith's sole starter for his version of the DCEU. The other character he'd pick to start off the franchise's rebirth would be the Green Arrow, the DCEU's quippy archer. He explained that since The CW's "Arrow" was such a popular retelling of the character's origins, any movie that follows in its wake would have to be as good. Smith then said that the Green Lantern, with his ability to travel inter-dimensionally, opens up a whole world of characters and a whole lot of storyline possibilities to boot.

Smith's next pick was a rogue player — the Question, a private detective by day and vigilante by night whose noirish world would certainly fit in with Batman's milieu.