Aramis Knight Reveals What It Was Like Working With Christian Bale On The Dark Knight Rises As A Kid - Exclusive

Aramis Knight may have made his debut in the MCU as Red Dagger in "Ms. Marvel," but that wasn't his first foray into the murky depths of comic book waters. Years ago, to the point that Knight barely remembers, the actor had a small cameo in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises," alongside Christian Bale. Of course, the second installment of the series boasted more than a few Hollywood hitters, but as a young kid, Knight didn't quite register the weight of those names. However, modern-day Knight certainly grasps just how epic that credit (and the murky memories that come with it) is to have on his resume.

During an exclusive interview with Looper, Knight vaguely recalled his time working on "The Dark Knight Rises" and being onscreen with some of the greatest actors and directors of our time — such as Anne Hathaway and Christian Bale. He also revealed how his part in the film came about.

The dark cameo rises

Discussing his cameo in "The Dark Knight Rises," the weight of entering such an iconic franchise, and the actors he got to work with, Knight said, "Yes. I worked with Christian, and I worked with Anne Hathaway. I never met Morgan Freeman."

As it turns out, Knight's scene didn't come about traditionally. "It's actually crazy how that role came about. I was doing a movie called 'Ender's Game' at the time, and we were just weeks out from going to Alabama for Space Camp," he explained. "I got a call from my agent that John Papsidera, who's an absolutely legendary casting director, had a small role in 'The Dark Knight Rises,' and he was casting 'Ender's Game.'" In this industry, it's all about who you know — and more importantly, who you impress. Knight added, "He loved me [and] he cast me as Bean. He was like, 'There's this small cameo, and I think you're perfect for it.' It was practically an offer, and when I went and did it, I was only 12 years old."

For young kids, directors aren't necessarily the top role on their radar. Knight added, "I was pretty oblivious to the fact that I was getting directed [by] Christopher Nolan, and I was in the presence of Christian Bale. I didn't quite understand the magnitude of what I was doing, but it was good at the time because, again, I'd be a lot more nervous going onto a set like that now." Some of the best work has come from actors who aren't wholly versed in the source material or the status of those involved.

Working with legends without even realizing it

So how does Knight think back on the experience and the fact that he was directed by Christopher Nolan? "I don't remember Christopher Nolan too well. I was only on set for two or three days or something, and I was very young," he noted. "But I do remember Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway quite well, and they were both very, very lovely to me, especially Christian Bale."

Most people say not to meet your heroes, but as for the Batman himself, Bale couldn't have been a nicer and humbler guy, if you ask Knight. Knight said, "I don't know if he saw something in me that reminded him of himself because I know he was a child actor as well. But he was specifically very warm and kind to me."

The entire first season of "Ms. Marvel" is now streaming on Disney+.