The Worst Intern On Bones According To Fans

During its lengthy run on Fox, "Bones" was one of the more consistent shows on TV, with series creatives taking viewers on a twist-a-minute thrill-ride packed with high drama, overt goofiness, and yes, gore galore on a weekly basis. They did so over a 12-season tenure, and, perhaps more miraculously, did so mostly with the show's original cast fronting every moment of the action.

Those cast members include Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, T.J. Thyne, and Michaela Conlin, who appeared in each of the show's 245-episodes. There was also, of course, Tamara Taylor, who joined the fun in Season 2 and stuck around through the series' final season. There were understandably quite a few other faces who came and went in the "Bones" cast over the years. And many of them turned up when the "Bones" team began taking a revolving door approach with the Jeffersonian interns tasked with helping Brennan (Deschanel), Booth (Boreanaz), and the gang solve some of the D.C. area's worst murders.

Once that revolving door began turning, "Bones" fans naturally began choosing sides regarding which of the interns was their favorite. In turn, they also developed some very distinct feelings about their least favorite intern. And according to a Reddit thread, quite a few "Bones" fans agree that one intern, in particular, was indeed the series' worst. 

Bones lovers were clearly not fans of the smarmy Oliver Wells

So, did "Bones" fans crown Vincent Nigel Murray (Ryan Cartwright), Daisy Wick (Carla Gallo), Wendell Bray (Michael Grant Terry), Clark Murray (Eugene Byrd), or Colin Fischer (Joel David Moore) the worst intern? According to the original Reddit post, it's none of the above. The since-deleted account who created the thread cheekily asked: "Who is the worst intern and why is it Oliver Wells?"

Played by Brian Klugman, Wells made his first "Bones" appearance during the show's 8th season, and according to the thread's comments section, the smarmy know-it-all rubbed fans the wrong way from the start. That includes u/gigglebif, who posted bluntly, "this guy is so rude!!" That comment was followed up on by u/coldform7729, who wrote, "I really disliked this guy. Rude, arrogant, just an all around a*****e. I think we were supposed to be like 'oh he's so smart that nothing matters to him – isn't that an interesting character trait' but it totally missed the mark."

While the comments are full of similar posts, u/ictc1 clearly had some mixed feelings about Wells, stating, "I almost feel sorry for him at times, he's just so awful and can't seem to stop himself from digging an ever greater hole. and then I go back to wanting to punch him in the face." Meanwhile, u/smallniby was one of few fans who fully embraced Wells' smarm in his eight series appearances, claiming, "He was awful and I loved it. He got the best reactions out of the other characters ... The actor did a great job making him be insufferable." 

Occasional nods of support aside, the majority of comments would seem to confirm beyond argument that "Bones" fans had little love for Dr. Oliver Wells.