Vision Does Paperwork In New Avengers 4 Set Photo

There will certainly be quite a lot of action in the upcoming fourth Avengers film, but it looks like there could be some quiet moments as well. Paul Bettany recently shared a picture on his Instagram account of him in his full Vision regalia, wearing his reading glasses as he gets ready to sign some documents. "@markruffalo took this picture of me catching up on paper work," Bettany captioned the post.

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Bettany confirmed last month that he is set to appear in the fourth Avengers film, with Vision one of the only characters confirmed to date for the 2019 film. We do know that Vision will have many, many friends to fight by his side, though, in the third Avengers movie, Infinity War, which is set to hit theaters in 2018. There are two dozen heroes currently confirmed for that film, in addition to a host of side characters, plus whatever surprises Marvel has up its sleeve.

"It felt like the biggest movie that I've ever made and will ever make, and we've still got to make the [next] one," Bettany said of filming Avengers: Infinity War. "It's f***ing crazy! I would come in, often at dawn because of the length of my make-up, and there would just be all of these twinkling lights. It looked like a town, but it wasn't. It was where all of the trailers were. It was just massive. It's massive! The call sheets are bananas. When you see the list of cast members, you're like, 'How is anybody else making a film in Hollywood, this year? How are they getting films financed? Everybody is in this!'"

Infinity War will need all the heroes it can get to fight against Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his villainous lieutenants the Black Order. While we know at least a few superheroes will survive the movie, all signs are pointing to the next pair of Avengers movies being fairly fatal for Marvel's biggest names. (Mark Ruffalo even confirmed as much in an interview, saying that "everybody dies" at the end of Infinity War.) Vision could be one of the heroes most at risk, thanks to the Infinity Gem currently residing in his head.

Very little is known about the fourth film at this point, although Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige says it will remain untitled for quite a while, as the title is a spoiler for Infinity War. Captain America: Civil War's Joe and Anthony Russo take on co-directing duties for both of the next two upcoming Avengers movies. Avengers: Infinity War is set for a May 4, 2018 release, while the untitled fourth Avengers film will follow on May 3, 2019.