Five's Best Line In The Umbrella Academy According To Fans

Somehow it seems like "The Umbrella Academy" has been around for much longer than it actually has been on the air. As it is, more has arguably happened in the first two seasons of the Netflix hit than most series pack into three of four. That's hardly a critique either, as "The Umbrella Academy" creative team always manages to pepper the bold style, hyper-violent action, and shocking narrative twists with a surprisingly dense layer of personal drama that grounds the series' giddily over-the-top oddness in real-world humanity. 

Whether it be via a tragi-comic act of violence, or its relentlessly chirpy dialogue, "The Umbrella Academy," always manages to have a little fun amid its massive set pieces and soul-stirring narrative diversions. And when it comes right down to it, no single character in the series has proven more adept at delivering a cutting one-liner or incisive observation than the Hargreeves kid named Number Five (Aidan Gallagher). 

Even as Five boasts as tragic a story as anyone who grew up in the Hargreeves household, he's the lion's share of cutting barbs, and side-splitting lines. Indeed, it would seem all but impossible to tag just one line as his best. However, that's exactly what the most dedicated fans of the series have done. Here's the line that "The Umbrella Academy" fans think is Five's best to date. 

Five's best line came amid his Season 2 freakout according to fans

The debate over Five's best line in "Umbrella Academy" went down in the hallowed internet halls of Reddit. Unsurprisingly, the winning line was actually the one featured in the original post's accompanying meme, which finds a raging Five yelling at Luther (Tom Hopper) about his obvious, and ongoing, "daddy issues." In doing so, Five posits himself as the elder statesman in the situation by firing off the phrase, "I'm the daddy here!"

The scene is made all the funnier as Five's hysteria is heightened by a bad case of Paradox Psychosis. It also doesn't hurt that the dressing down occurs in front of quite a few puzzled onlookers. The Reddit thread was soon boasting numerous posts in agreement that this is the best line in Five's vast oeuvre. That includes u/PapiAlexa, who claimed, "I wheezed when I saw this scene and it gets funnier every time I watch it." A few comments later, another user chimed in with another common remark about certain iconic moments in television. u/Kflatmajor wrote, "I can hear this picture." 

Indeed, it's hard not to hear Aidan Gallagher's distinctive voice delivering that line, if only because Gallagher's scene-stealing performance has arguably been the high point for "The Umbrella Academy" to date. Unsurprisingly, the thread soon turned into a full-on praise fest for the actor. U/al-sal-13 replied, "This quote made me DIE laughing lol. Also I'm so impressed with the actor!! You could tell me that he really is a 60 year old man disguised as a 15 year old in real life and I'd believe you, he was so convincing." 

Given what's in store for the Hargreeves in Season 3 of "The Umbrella Academy," it's safe to assume Gallagher will have plenty more verbal fire for fans to endure, and, hopefully, adore too.