The Saddest Death On 9-1-1 Lone Star

A firefighter's life is never without danger and if you watch Fox's "9-1-1 Lone Star," you probably have a good idea of what Captain Owen Strand's (Rob Lowe) Station 126 of Austin, Texas, faces on a daily basis. From a gender reveal gone wrong to mighty fires, accidents, and natural disasters—- the firefighters and paramedics are prepared for all.

"9-1-1 Lone Star" is currently in its 3rd season, and this spinoff series has found its pace and groove on its own. Apart from thrilling and often terrifying situations that the characters face on the job, the show, through its character, has also addressed topics such as substance abuse, gender identity, and the burden of societal and religious expectations.

But a good chunk of the show deals with the personal lives of the first responders who risk their lives for strangers. From Captain Strand's battle with cancer to Judd (Jim Parrack) and Grace's (Sierra McClain) brush with death following their accident, the show has multiple moving character stories that keep the audience engaged with the show. It is no surprise then that the death that left fans truly devastated was also a personal loss for the firefighters at the 126.

When a member of the 126th lost their spouse, fans were left devastated

Season 2 of "9-1-1 Lone Star" introduced Tommy Vega (Gina Torres), a paramedic, whose husband, Charles Vega's (Daniel Webster) restaurant shuts down due to the pandemic. Charles, as a stay-at-home father caring for his daughters, set a standard for onscreen dads. His support for Tommy, who is conflicted between her duties as essential personnel and as a mother, carved a space for him among fans. But this bond was short-lived.

The terrifying episode "The Big Heat," which begins with a fire erupting at TK (Ronen Rubenstein) and Carlos' (Rafael Silva) apartment, ends with a completely unexpected twist. Tommy comes back home to find an unresponsive Charles. She calls 911, but it's too late. Charles' sudden death left the fans of the show devastated.

On a "9-1-1 Lone Star" subreddit, fans expressed their shock at losing an endearing character. u/Snipezorz was overwhelmed after watching Charles die. "I just finished that episode about 5 minutes ago. I'm crushed! It was so unexpected, and I need a distraction before I can sleep now," they commented. u/Rubrum Mortem echoed the sentiments of many when they spoke about the unexpected turn of events. "I felt so anxious the entire second half of the episode, and I got lured into false hope just to get crushed," they wrote.

Though the lives of the first responders place them in life-threatening situations each day, it was Charles' death at his home that made for a teary send-off.