The Alex Miller Detail That Has Worst Roommate Ever Fans Scratching Their Heads

Netflix has established itself as the ultimate destination for true crime fare in recent years. From documentaries to riveting scripted series inspired by real-life horror stories, the streaming platform has chronicled everything from corruption ("Making a Murderer) to the seedy underworld of cat breeding ("Tiger King), highlighting some truly bizarre stories in the process. In recent times, however, the streamer has also shifted its attention to stories about scammers, ranging from "Inventing Anna" to "Bad Vegan" to "Tinder Swindler."

"Worst Roommate Ever" is the latest series to join the trend of shows about dastardly con artists and manipulators. Inspired by the New York Magazine article of the same name, the five-episode mini-series follows people who turned out to be the literal worst roommates ever, either because they were scamming, stalking, serial squatting, or worse. Furthermore, the stories aren't as far-fetched and unrealistic as some viewers might think. That said, there are elements of the show which have left fans scratching their heads, including one detail involving Alex Miller.

Some "Worst Roommate Ever" fans believe Alex was drunk

After posting an opening to rent out her spare room, Alex Miller drew the attention of serial squatter Jamison Bachman, who pretended to be a lawyer named "Jed Creek" so he could move in. He then proceeded to turn the homeowner's life into a living nightmare. Miller recounts the horrific events in great detail in "Worst Roommate Ever," but some viewers believe that her interview segments seemed a little off. 

A discussion on the "Worst Roommate Ever" subreddit proposes that Alex was drunk as she didn't seem fully compos mentis. "She slurred all of her words and talked so slow and weird," wrote u/promitius. "She got on my nerves so much at times."

Fellow Redditor u/daftfunk22 agreed with this segment, while also questioning why Alex didn't do any research on Bachman before he moved in. "I agree! Something seems off, they wrote. "Also why didn't Alex google his name and phone number before she agreed to meet him?? She had to have her mom do that simple thing? She seems like an airhead."

Some Redditors disagreed with these observations, though. According to u/fugmalaf, she didn't come across as drunk on the show, but they wouldn't blame her if she was after the traumatic ordeal. A random stranger entered her life and tried to ruin it, after all.