Are The Walking Dead's Michael James Shaw And Paola Lázaro Dating In Real Life?

Falling in love during the zombie apocalypse? More likely than you'd think. Many romantic relationships have transpired across eleven seasons of "The Walking Dead," some more successfully than others. Fans were immediately smitten with the unexpected pairing of General Michael Mercer (Michael James Shaw) and Juanita "Princess" Sanchez (Paola Lázaro), who were confirmed to be more than just a fling in Episode 15, "Truth."

The episode follows Mercer as he grapples with being good at his job while simultaneously causing harm to the people he's tasked with protecting. After attempting to shut Princess out and deal with it alone, he confides in her about his emotional dilemma. She comforts him and explains that she isn't only carefree and fun — she can handle heavier subjects. Both admit that they're anxious about their new relationship because of how special it is.

In an interview with Insider, Lázaro dished on their relationship blossoming in "Truth," their favorite ship name ("Princer"), and what her dynamic with Shaw is beyond "The Walking Dead."

Michael James Shaw and Paola Lázaro are close friends

Princess and Mercer's on-screen chemistry carries over into real life, though Paola Lázaro and Michael James Shaw are just friends. After explaining why their on-screen romance works to Insider, Lázaro gushed about working alongside Shaw.

"He's a very dear friend of mine. I love him very much," she said, adding that they always have fun together.

"We're both very sensitive people, very loving people," she went on. "I could not think of someone better to go on this journey with than Michael James Shaw."

Lázaro also revealed that the two are collaborating on a song where they will each be contributing vocals. "We gotta finish it, but it's a cute song," she said, joking about how they're "always" breaking out into song.

Although Lázaro and Shaw aren't a couple in real life, it's clear that the two have a strong friendship. Perhaps they will continue working together post-"The Walking Dead" in one of its upcoming spin-offs.