Star Trek Series We Want To See On The Small Screen

"Star Trek" has become a household name once more thanks to series like "Star Trek: Picard," "Star Trek: Discovery," and "Star Trek: Lower Decks" building momentum for the franchise back up. The first season of "Star Trek: Picard" brought the titular character back after being away from the screens for 20 years and was, generally speaking, a big success, with a third and final season promising to bring back familiar faces. "Star Trek: Discovery" had a rocky start, but seems to have found its footing and offers some amazing casting choices for some iconic Trek characters. "Star Trek: Lower Decks" took things in a different direction, bringing an animated series to the table, which hadn't been done since "Star Trek: The Animated Series" in 1973. The show features characters that are typically overseen in a Trek show, as audiences are often shown the bridge crew or the leaders in certain departments. Instead, "Lower Decks" focuses on just that, the lower decks.

And while we're all excited to see what the future holds for these shows, there are still some ideas that have yet to be explored in the "Star Trek" franchise. Take a trip with us through the final frontier as we look at 10 ideas that we'd love to see explored on the small screen.`

The Eugenics Wars

The Eugenics War was initially discussed in "Star Trek: The Original Series," during the now-iconic episode, "Space Seed." The episode had the Enterprise crew stumble across the SS Botany Bay, which was adrift in space. They find that, after nearly 200 years, members of the crew are still alive in suspended animation. The Enterprise crew awakens the leader and brings him on board their ship, where he discloses that he is Khan Noonien Singh. The crew soon discovers that Khan and his people were genetically engineered to be perfect examples of the human species. In the 1990s, however, the augmented humans turned against the non-augmented humans, believing themselves to be superior, and the Eugenics War broke out.

While augmented humans have been discussed briefly in other Trek shows, such as by Dr. Bashir (Alexander Siddig) in "Deep Space 9" and the incredibly fun arc in "Enterprise" that brought back the character Doctor Soong (Brett Spiner) from "The Next Generation," this bloody war in Federation history has never truly been explored. We propose an entire series dedicated to this story. Audiences could even have Spiner reprise his role of Doctor Soong, as he was instrumental in creating the augments. The show could showcase Khan's beginnings and how he and his crew were eventually lost in space for years on the Botany Bay.

Empress Sato

"Star Trek: Enterprise" is an incredibly underrated show. While it took a while to find its footing, things really started to kick off in Season 3. However, Season 4 gave Trek fans everything they wanted and more. Not only did that season answer the question of why Klingons in the "Original Series" look so different than they do in the other shows and movies, but it also provided one of the best Mirror Universe arcs.

"In The Mirror, Darkly" is a two-part episode that takes place entirely in the Mirror Universe, an alternate dimension that showcases a more violent and darker Federation called the Terran Empire, which has enslaved various races, such as the Vulcans. The episode expertly ties together the events from "The Original Series," as the Mirror Universe Enterprise comes across a ship from the future, the USS Defiant. The Mirror Enterprise crew takes control of the Defiant and acting-Captain Archer makes a play to become emperor of the Terran Empire. However, Lieutenant Hoshi Sato (Linda Park) takes control of the Defiant, calling herself Empress Sato. While the show never follows up with her story, episode writer Mike Sussman continued her arc in the novel, "Age of the Empress," where he detailed that her dynasty continued for years, as she cloned herself. A show centered around Empress Sato would be fascinating to watch. Just how much did she influence the Terran Empire, and what other mayhem did her dynasty cause?

Kirk's Mirror Universe

Speaking of the Mirror Universe, aside from just seeing the story of Empress Sato, we want to see more from Kirk's timeline, as it was his trip in "The Original Series" that first introduced audiences to the Mirror Universe back in the 1960s.

Captain Kirk (William Shatner), Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Scotty (James Doohan), and Lieutenant Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) accidentally switch places with their alternate selves and end up in the Mirror Universe. Upon leaving, their influence deeply affects Spock (Leonard Nimoy) from this Mirror Universe and he makes big changes against the Terran Empire. While this is never detailed on the small screen, according to the novel, "Sorrows of Empire," Mirror Spock murders Mirror Kirk once he returns and takes over the Enterprise. We'd love to watch a series about Captain Spock in the Terran Empire, and what battles he must win in order to stay in power of a human ship as a Vulcan. Perhaps some of the events from this show could lead to the eventual downfall of the Terran Empire that is depicted in Mirror Universe episodes of "Deep Space 9."

Section 31

Section 31 is an autonomous intelligence and defense organization that carries out covert operations for the Federation without their knowledge. While they've popped up here and there throughout the franchise, their most notable moments come from "Deep Space 9," "Discovery," and "Enterprise." They were also used as an antagonist in J.J Abram's 2013 film, "Star Trek: Into Darkness," with Peter Weller portraying Admiral Marcus as the head of the organization.

Section 31 is there to do the things that Starfleet and the Federation wouldn't or shouldn't. They believe that tough choices need to be made for the greater good, with some Trek characters wondering if the Federation would even be what it is today without Section 31 working in the shadows. We want to see exactly what was done in the name of peace. Just how was this seemingly perfect civilization created on Earth? And how dirty did Section 31 have to get in order to achieve it? As a series, this could take place across multiple timelines, with the first season focusing on the rise of Section 31, all the way up to the Dominion War in "Deep Space 9" and beyond. This would be a darker Trek story for sure, but an interesting one to hold a mirror up to the peaceful ideals that the Federation seemingly stands for.

The Equinox Crew

"Star Trek: Voyager" sees the crew of the USS Voyager being pulled halfway across the galaxy by a powerful entity called the Caretaker. They are stranded in the Delta Quadrant, where they face the daunting realization that it would take the better part of a century to get home to the Alpha Quadrant. As the first female captain to be at the helm of a Trek series, Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) is cut off from Starfleet and the Federation and is pushed to her limits to get her crew home.

Unbeknownst to her, another Starfleet ship was pulled to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker as well, the USS Equinox. However, unlike Janeway and her crew, who choose to hold on to their Starfleet principles, the crew of the Equinox does everything they can just to stay alive and find a way back home, even if that means torturing and killing another species to achieve their goal. Janeway, who has been tempted by similar situations, comes face-to-face with a Starfleet captain betraying what they stand for, and it's something that haunts her. While "Voyager" was a great addition to the Trek franchise, the perspective of a Federation ship stranded and abandoning its principles is an intriguing one. A series from their point of view could really make audiences ask the question: What would you do in order to survive?

The Doctor

The "Living Witness" episode is as close to a Mirror Universe story for "Voyager" as fans are going to get. The episode sees the crew's holographic Doctor (Robert Picardo) being reactivated on a backup hard drive 700 years after the events of the show. He's horrified to discover the civilization he woke up in has been built off of the idea that the Voyager crew were tyrants who directly caused the death of one of their revolutionary leaders.

The Doctor works tirelessly to clear the Voyager crew's name and to set the record straight on what happened all those years ago, essentially helping to re-write the history of this civilization. However, audiences are given fun glimpses at an evil Voyager crew, which is always fun! The episode ends with The Doctor leaving in a small shuttle looking for the Alpha Quadrant. We're sure that he gets into his own adventures, and as one of the most engaging characters on the show, we'd love to watch the series, "Star Trek: The Voyages of The Doctor."

Children of Time

In Season 5 of "Deep Space 9," the crew aboard the Defiant investigates a planet surrounded by a unique energy barrier. Once they land, they soon discover that the planet is filled with a settlement of people and learn that, when the crew tries to leave the planet in two days, the ship will crash, killing Major Kira (Nana Visitor) and stranding the rest of the crew on the protected planet. The entire settlement they see before them is the crew's descendants.

Captain Sisko (Avery Brooks) and the rest of the crew realize that if they do leave, it will mean condemning all of those people to die, and they decide to stay. However, the older version of Odo (René Murat Auberjonois) has other plans. He devises a way to trick the crew into leaving, because he can't bear to watch Kira die once more. We'd like to watch a mini-series that showcases how this civilization was born, starting right off with the Defiant crashing and Kira's death.

E² The Generational Ship

By the end of the third season of "Enterprise," the crew was on a mission to save Earth from destruction by an alien species called the Xindi. As the ship is on its way to meet with the Xindi council member to persuade them from destroying Earth, the crew comes across another Enterprise ship, identical in every way to theirs, yet older. They discover that — if they continued on their present course — their ship would have been sent back almost 120 years into the past, transforming the Enterprise into a generational ship. Therefore, the original crew had their descendants complete the mission, as most of the original crew would not be alive to see it.

Throughout the course of the episode, the two crews work together to try and complete the mission, but by the end of "E²," the generational ship disappears, causing the crew to wonder if they ever existed, as the original crew never got sent back in time. A series detailing the lives of the generational ship would be an intriguing story, as we could see how the original crew deals with being sent back in time. Audiences could witness how the crew's actions might potentially affect the timeline and how the next generation grows up knowing that they must live their entire lives fighting a war that essentially means nothing to them.

The Temporal War

Initially introduced in "Enterprise," the Temporal Cold War was as a conflict fought between several time-traveling factions. Each faction was from different points in time and was attempting to manipulate history for its own benefit. In the 31st century, Temporal Agents were created to protect the integrity of the timeline. Much like the Federation, these agents were made up of various civilizations in the hopes of keeping peace across the galaxy.

While the Temporal Cold War was never fully explained in "Enterprise," with the show moving its focus to the Xindi war in Season 3, there are a lot of unanswered questions on the status of this war. And while "Discovery" has referenced the war, we'd like to see a series that takes place in the 31st century, with the Temporal Agents protecting the timeline. This would give audiences a chance to relive classic moments in Trek, and give us a much-needed glimpse at the future of the universe. Fans could see past the "Picard" series to boldly go where no show has gone before. This would give creative license for the series to introduce a wide range of species, or to expand on the history of some old ones. 

Jonathan Archer in The Future

During the episodes of the Temporal Cold War in "Enterprise," there was a shadowy figure that was manipulating the timeline. He would communicate with the Suliban species and was attempting to influence events in the past. Unfortunately, it was never shown what his final goal was and his identity was never revealed. 

However, in 2012, showrunner Brannon Braga took to Twitter to explain that the plan was to make the future silhouette man none other than Captain Archer himself (Scott Bakula). While no details were provided on why future Archer was manipulating the timeline, this would make for an excellent show. Audiences could see what happens to Captain Archer, and what leads him to tampering with the timeline. Was it all for a great purpose? Is he from an alternate timeline? Did Archer become a Temporal Agent? These are questions that we're just dying to have answered. And to be honest, it would make for some great Trek content.